Page 52 of Rival Hero
On my screen, Klein holds Shep’s scrutinizing gaze. “She didn’t tell you? I find that hard to believe, given howcloseyou two are.”
Do I want to hear this? My pulse spikes a tad as I lean closer to the speaker.
Shep responds, “We’re notthatclose. Sure, we have a past, but it’s not like we’re best friends or anything.”
Ouch, Shep. I mean, he’s right. But it would be nice for him to speak about what an amazing ball of sunshine and virtue I am. Granted, I’m not any of that. But it would be nice.
Klein’s entire body stiffens. “What do you mean a past? Did you guys—”
He sounds… angry? Jealous?
Because of Shep? Huh.
I thought Klein hated me. Why does he give a shit about who I bang now or in the past?
Unless he doesn’t hate me.
Hope springs eternal, right, clitoris?
Before I know what’s happening, the mouse pointer clicks the redXin the corner to close the window. My office goes silent.
I look at the mouse, shocked to see my hand there. After pinching it, I can confirm it is indeedmyhand.
Holy buckets! Myhandhas suffered an attack of conscience. But I’m not mad about it. If anything, I feel better.
That conversation isn’t meant for me.
A strange feeling takes root in my chest. Is that…pride?
No, that can’t be right.
After staring at the oddly honorable hand cupping the mouse for a few seconds, I blink the haze of confusion away and refocus on my goal. I need to know about the emergency situation at CVS that had him racing across town.
After accessing the dash cam footage from Klein’s SUV, I scroll to the file that should have recorded what happened when he stopped at the drugstore.
“Shit. Cal. What is…”
There’s an ambulance and a police car on the scene.
Is his hero complex to blame for this? Was someone he knows hurt? Are they okay?
I try to zoom in, but the footage isn’t ideal, and people are blocking the back of the ambulance where Klein ran after jumping out of the vehicle.
Still, the shot does give me a nice view of his ridable rump, so that’s something.
Bad Mia. No. Stop it. You do not get to lust after him. He hates you.
My mind searches through the potential ways I can find out what caused him to rush from the SUV to whatever happened in that parking lot.
I could call CVS, pretending to be a reporter following up on a lead.Nah.
Or I couldlovinglyaccess the store’s security cameras to see if I can get a better angle.Better.But it’ll take time, and I doubt I’ll get a better view. There are too many people surrounding the ambulance. Why are people so nosy? Can’t they let the emergency responders work without snooping?
Don’t laugh at that. My snooping is different. Remember what I said about self-preservation?
Anyhow, the cameras aren’t going to reveal enough. I don’t have time to scour social media to see if any of the onlookers recorded and posted something. I need something more tangible that I can get my hands on quicker.
Like info from the 911 call.