Page 19 of Thick Girls Pole
She drew out my name like she does either when she’s excited about something or mad at me. I’m assuming it’s the former right now.
“So where are you taking her?” she asked.
“I’m not sure.”
“What do you meanyou’re not sure?”
“Shan, I just dropped her off. Give me a minute.”
“I cangiveyou some suggestions.”
My first instinct is to tell her ‘no,’ but didn’t just in case I don’t think of anything on my own.
“Let me see what I come up with and I’ll let you know if I need help.”
I turned into my parents’ driveway and opened the garage door then pulled inside.
“Home again, home again,” Shannon said.
“I’m shutting off my location.”
Her laugh echoed through the garage as I stepped out of the car.
“Mom would freak out.”
I pressed the button to close the garage door and walked into the kitchen. I was about to tell Shannon that our mom is too busy enjoying her trip to worry about checking on me when I realized that if my sister is paying attention to what I’m doing, she must not be out.
“How come you’re home stalking me instead of painting the town with the beautiful people?”
“I went out to dinner with Juliet and Paisley, but came home right after.”
“Hell must be freezing over.”
“No, I just wasn’t feeling it.”
Right after graduating from esthetics school, Shannon passed her licensing test and was offered a paid internship at L'Oréal in Manhattan. She’d always wanted to move to the big city so given the chance, she took it and never looked back.
She loves her career and especially loves living in the city. Between business events and going out with her friends, she always has something to do. I could count on one hand the number of nights she’s stayed in over the past decade. It’s even more interesting considering she was here last weekend and didn’t go out either.
“Everything okay?”
I walked up the stairs and headed toward my bedroom, eager to take out my contact lenses. I’ve only had them in for six hours but they’re driving me crazy.
“Hmm, yeah. For the most part,” she said. “But this call isn’t to talk about me. It’s to figure out how my big brother is going to sweep the girl of his dreams off her feet.”
I stepped into my bathroom, placed my phone on the counter, and put Shannon on speaker.
“However I do it, I’m hoping I won’t need to wear these contact lenses all the time.”
“You have nice eyes, but they’re usually hidden behind your glasses. Show them off once in a while.”
Keera did seem to focus on my eyes a lot, so Shannon might be on to something. She was definitely right about my hair and clothes. The cut she gave me is pretty easy to tame with the product she showed me how to use. And the fitted khakis and button-down shirt make me look more like a grownup than a college student.
“Maybe I just need to wear them more to get used to them.”
I pinched the right lens between my thumb and forefinger and placed it in its case, then did the same with the left. Rubbing my eyes offered some relief and splashing them with cold water soothed the itchy picky feeling they’ve had the past few hours.