Page 20 of Thick Girls Pole
“Maybe,” she said, seeming distracted all of a sudden. “I have another call coming in that I have to take. Let me know what you decide to do Saturday.”
“Okay. Talk to you later.”
Something is definitely going on with Shannon these days. I mentally shrugged and unbuttoned my shirt as I walked into my bedroom. I don’t usually butt into her business like she does mine. If it’s something important, she’ll eventually share.
I undressed, tossing my clothes onto the chair in the corner, then slipped under the covers. Normally I play video games or read before bed, but tonight I’m just going to lie here, think about the past few hours, and figure out where to take Keera Saturday night.
“It was really nice,”I said. “I mean, I thought it would be weird because we’ve been friends for so long, but it wasn’t.”
I managed to avoid questions before and during class, but now that it’s over, a few of the ladies stayed behind just to hear the details of my date with Simon. Anjannette even took my class instead of heading home after hers like she normally does on Thursday nights.
“But did it feel like a date or just a night out with a friend?” Sophie asked.
“Somehow it felt like both.” Three sets of eyes stared at me, demanding details. “Simon and I have been friends for years so we didn’t have to do the whole getting-to-know-you dance. The conversation was the same as the countless ones we’ve had before…” I trailed off and tried to figure out a way to describe the night. “There was definitely a spark between us which was new, but the comfortable, relaxed feeling was there too.”
“Please tell me it ended with a kiss worthy of one of my novels,” Eve said.
I looked over at her and burst into laughter.
“What?” she asked. “Indulge me, please. It’s beenwaytoo long since I had a date. Or a kiss for that matter.”
“Yes there was a kiss.” Leaning forward, I rested my elbows against my knees. “Andyes, it was worthy of one of your romance novels.”
“Please tell me more, I could use some inspiration. I’ve barely written a word since the divorce and that was almost three years ago. Thankfully I had some books stockpiled so there hasn’t been a huge gap in my release schedule.”
Yes, when Eve says one of her romance novels, she literally means one ofhernovels. Both she and Sophie are best-selling authors. They’re also to blame for my addiction to romance books. I was always a horror/thriller girl, but when Sophie joined the studio, I decided to check out one of her books and have been hooked since.
“He walked me to the door and at first it seemed like he was going to leave without a kiss, but then he made his move. I’ll admit that when his lips first touched mine, I kept thinking it should be weird because it was Simon. But it wasn’t. And when he deepened the kiss, all thoughts left my brain and I could only focus on him and the moment. It was pretty amazing. I mean, who knew Simon Parker could kiss like that?”
As if they’d rehearsed it, the three women let out a collectiveawwww.
“Are you going out with him again?” Anjannette asked.
I nodded.
“Saturday night.”
“So you like him?” Sophie asked. “I meanlike him, like him.”
“Are we in middle school?”
“Just answer the question,” Eve said, sounding more like a judge than a writer.
I didn’t have to think about my answer because I’ve been pondering that same question since yesterday.
“I do,” I said. “Honestly, if I didn’t feel something, I wouldn’t have agreed to a second date. Simon is a good guy and I wouldn’t want to lead him on.”
“You worked with him all those years and there was never anything between you?” Sophie asked.
“I was dating Jason when Simon first started working at Wilder, then Brian. And at one point, Simon had a girlfriend and they lived together for a while. I just never looked at him as anything more than a friend.”
“But now…” Anjannette said and made a kissy-face.
“He also did something that I never thought I’d like, but I did.”