Page 57 of Thick Girls Pole
asked after he’d put a good dent in his Drunken Noodles.
“I’ll be at my aunt’s in New Jersey until Friday night, but I’m available Saturday and Sunday.”
Which is Archer’s schedule every year.
“Keera’s dad plays in a band and he just asked me to come to their fortieth anniversary show that Saturday night,” I said. “But as far as I know, I’m available Saturday afternoon and Sunday.”
“Maybe we can move it to another weekend.” Andrew said, raising his voice at the end of the sentence turning it into a question.
We’ve been doing our gaming marathons Thanksgiving weekend since middle school. Despite trying to set them in stone, there’ve been a few times we’ve had to change the date. Archer usually isn’t happy when that happens, but surprisingly, he’s not complaining.
“The first Saturday in December is the recital at the pole studio, but other than that, I think I can be available.”
We threw out some possible dates and agreed to check our calendars and make a decision by next week. Shannon can’t believe we still do the marathons, but honestly, I don’t see how it’s any different than her girls’ weekends.
“So can anyone go to that recital or is it invitation only?” Andrew asked.
“Anyone can go. Are you interested?”
I looked at Archer.
“I think I’ll pass.”
That doesn’t surprise me at all.
“Do I get to meet Keera beforehand or is my first introduction to her going to be while she’s spinning on a pole?” Andrew asked.
“No, I’ll definitely set something up so you can meet.”
“Things must be going well.”
“Yeah, they are.”
I don’t want to jinx it, but things are actually great. In the past couple weeks, there’s definitely been a shift between us. It’s obvious our relationship has moved beyond the “enjoying each other’s company” phase. While I’ve been half in love with Keera for a decade, that’s definitely intensified since we've been spending time together. And it’s obvious she feels something more too.
“Is she nicer than Zoe?” Archer asked.
The two of them never got along. Archer is one of my best friends, but he’s kind of eccentric, and drove Zoe crazy.
“You’ll like Keera.”
“I hope so,” he said. “I don’t know how you tolerated Zoe all those years. Does Keera know you still talk to her?”
“I don’t still talk to her.”
“You helped with her computer a couple months ago.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like we chat every day. When we lived together, I set up her home office and she got a new computer so I helped her out and hooked it up.”
Zoe and I didn’t have a bad breakup, our relationship just kind of fizzled out. I’ve seen and spoken to her a handful of times since we split and it’s always friendly. There’s really no reason for it not to be.
“And you had lunch,” he pointed out.
“She bought me lunch as a thank you.”
“Just make sure you don’t end up in a love triangle.”