Page 58 of Thick Girls Pole
“Zoe and I broke up years ago so I don’t think there’s any chance of that,” I said. “Besides, I’m not interested in anyone but Keera.”
I lookedaround Dr. Green’s reception area, thinking about the first time I sat here. It was just last year yet it seems like forever ago. I’d just been let go from Wilder and I was hooking up with one loser after another in an attempt to get over a toxic relationship. It was definitely a low point in my life.
“Keera?” I looked up at the sound of Dr. Green’s voice. “Come on in.”
I followed her into her office and settled in my usual comfy leather chair. She picked up a notebook and pen from her desk and sat across from me.
“So, it’s been about six weeks since you’ve been here. How’s it been going?”
“Pretty well, actually.”
“What’s been happening?”
“The studio is thriving. We held a very successful open house a few weeks ago and classes have been packed. Plus we’re starting a beginner’s series this Saturday. So work is going well.”
“That’s good to hear. You were so worried when you got laid off. But the studio seems to be working out and it suits you much better.”
“I definitely enjoy it more, and I feel like I’m actually making a difference. Pole dance helped me so much with body image and it’s how I met some of my best friends. I love welcoming people into the community and watching them thrive and grow.”
I stopped talking and waited until she finished taking notes before filling her in on the rest of the changes in my life.
“And I started dating someone.”
I’m amazed at her poker face. If I was a counselor and had heard the bad and the ugly of my dating life, I’m not sure my expression would be so neutral at that announcement.
“We’ve only been seeing each other a few weeks, but we used to work together so I’ve known him for about ten years.”
“Did you ever date before?”
“No, I never thought of him like that.”
“But that’s obviously changed.”
“So how’d you end up going out?”
“He came to the open house and asked me out. My first instinct was to turn him down. But I didn’t. Instead, I told him I’d let him know.”
“So what made you say yes?”
“Anjannette convinced me to give him a chance. She’s said for years that Simon had the hots for me. I thought she was crazy, but it turns out she was right.”
I told her about the conversation Simon and I had the other night.
“So when did your feelings toward him change?”
“During that first date,” I said. “At first it was strange. I kept thinking ‘this is Simon’ but once I got out of my head, I opened up to the possibility of something more between us. And when he kissed me…” I trailed off and thought about that first kiss.
“You don’t have to say any more about that. Your smile speaks volumes,” she said. “So tell me about Simon.”
“He’s so sweet and really smart, and he treats me well. Definitely not my usual type, which Anjannette reminded me is a good thing.” We both chuckled at that. “At first I was worried I’d do something to mess things up, but so far, so good.”