Page 81 of Thick Girls Pole
I thought about adding “thanks” or “see you” but I wouldn’t mean either.
“Ithinkwe should get together and discussgetting together.”
I looked at him and blinked. Multiple times. I’m not even sure what to say to that. There’s a lot Icansay, but I decided to leave him with two things.
“I’m seeing someone,” I said. “And I said everything I needed to when we broke up.”
Wanting to get out of here before things get nasty…and history has taught me they will…I settled behind the steering wheel. Brian stepped forward, so I couldn’t close the door. Resting his elbow against the roof of the car, he bent down invading my space. His eyes took another tour of my body.
“Remember, nice tits and great blowjobs only keep a guy happy for so long. You need to get in better shape or he’ll lose interest eventually. No man wants to date a girl who weighs more than him.”
I reached out, grabbed the handle, and pulled, banging the door against his hip. He jumped back and I slammed it shut. With shaking hands, I pressed the ignition button, shifted the car into reverse, and pulled out of my spot.
I’ve come a long way since we broke up, but his words still sting. Blinking back tears as I drove the short distance home, I fought to keep them from sinking into my head.
“Need help with anything?”
My mom finished rolling a slice of prosciutto and added it to the stack sitting on the board in front of her.
“The potatoes are next on my list if you want to start on them.”
I grabbed a knife from the block and a spoon from the drawer and walked over to the other side of the island. After cutting one of the enormous potatoes in half, I scooped out its contents and put them into a bowl, then did the same with the other three.
“I’m making asparagus. Should I make a salad, too?”
“I don’t think we need a salad.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
My mom had fried and chopped bacon earlier and I picked it up and tossed it in the bowl with the potatoes. After grabbing cheddar cheese and sour cream from the refrigerator, I added some of each to the mixture and stirred. These stuffed, twice-baked potatoes are my favorite. My mouth is watering just thinking about digging into one.
“You look happy,” she said
I added some more cheese before looking over at her.
“I am.”
“Do you think she’s the one?” she asked. “I know the relationship is relatively new, but let’s face it, when you know, you know.”
After all the ingredients were combined, I started spooning the mixture back into the empty potato skins.
“I always thought she was the one. We just needed to get our timing right.”
Before she could react to that, the doorbell rang. I wiped my hands and went to answer.
I gave Keera a quick kiss as she entered then closed the door behind her. She held up the box in her hands.
“I brought cupcakes.”
“That’s the second time you’ve shown up here with dessert. You know you’re setting a precedent, right?”
She smiled at my words as I took the box, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.