Page 82 of Thick Girls Pole
“It smells really good in here.”
“My mom is making her famous cheddar and chive popovers.”
“Sounds yummy.”
“They are. You’re gonna love them.”
As we approached the kitchen, the smell got even stronger and as we entered, I realized
it’s because my mom just removed the items in question out of the oven. She looked over at us and smiled as she set the pan on the counter.
“Mom, this is Keera. Keera, this is my mom, Lily.”
“It’s so nice to meet you,” my mom said as she removed her oven mitt.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker. I’ve heard so much about you through the years.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you too, and please call me Lily.”
“Keera brought cupcakes,” I said as I set the box on the island.
My mom opened the lid and peeked into the box.
“They look amazing and smell even better,” she said. “What kind are they?”
“Apple cinnamon with salted caramel icing.”
“Maybe we should eat dessert first.” Keera and I looked at each other and laughed. “What’s so funny?” Mom asked.
“I had dinner with Keera’s family a few weeks ago and brought Smidgens and caramel apples, and her mom said the same thing.”
“Great minds think alike,” she said, adding the popovers to the charcuterie board. “It’s such a beautiful day, especially for this time of year, so I thought we’d eat out on the patio. If it gets cold, we can fire up the heaters.”
“Sounds perfect,” Keera said. “Do you need help with anything?”
“No, I think I’m good. Simon’s dad is outside fussing with the grill. Let’s head out there.” She picked up the charcuterie board and looked at me. “Grab the potatoes.”
Keera followed my mom out the door and I walked over and picked up the platter, then joined them.
“Your house is so beautiful,” Keera said to my parents as I stepped outside.
“Thank you,” Mom said. “After living in the RV for so long, it feels like a mansion.”
“Which is a good thing, because after next week both kids will be living here with us,” Dad added.
“That’s right,” Keera said. “Are you happy Shannon is moving back?”
“I’m happy if she’s happy,” Mom said.
“You’ll only be here a couple months with us anyway,” I said. “Then you’re hitting the road again.”
My parents shared a look and dad shrugged.
“We’ll see,” he said.
I opened my mouth to question that, but my mom interrupted.
“Why don’t you start on the charcuterie,” she said. “Keera, what would you like to drink? I have an amazing Syrah from Napa. There’s also beer. Or if you want something nonalcoholic, I have iced tea or lemonade.”