Page 83 of Thick Girls Pole
“I’ll have a glass of wine with dinner, but for now, water is fine.”
My mom disappeared into the house and Keera and I settled at the table.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and nodded.
“Yeah, I’m just tired. It’s been a long week.”
With the schedule she’s been working, I’ve no doubt she’s tired, but beyond that, something just seems…off. She seems flat, like she’s just going through the motions. But I’m not going to badger her about it right now.
I placed my hand over hers and squeezed.
“In a few weeks, things will be back to normal.”
She took in a deep breath and pasted on a smile as my mom returned with the drinks. Both she and my dad joined us at the table.
We talked about plans for Thanksgiving and picked at the charcuterie board. Her family has an early dinner and mine eats later, so we planned on spending the day together.
“Unless you just want to hang out with your family and we’ll see each other Saturday for the concert.”
Whatis that about? We’ve already discussed this. And if we didn’t spend Thanksgiving together, why wouldn’t we do something on Friday? We’ve already planned on spending the whole holiday weekend with each other.
“No, we can keep our original plan. It’ll be nice to see your whole family again.”
She nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“Simon mentioned your father plays in Afternoon Delight,” Dad said. “Lily and I used to follow them years ago.”
“Oh wow.” She looked at me. “You didn’t mention that.”
“I only recently found out myself.”
“We’re definitely going to the anniversary show,” he said.
“That’s great. It should be a fun night.”
My parents discussed how long it's been since they saw the band. After much
debate, they decided on twenty years.
“I’m really looking forward to it,” Dad said.
“I hate their name, but they do put on an awesome show,” Keera said.
“Their name is why we went to see them in the first place,” Mom added.
Keera groaned.
“When I was a teenager, I was mortified when my friends found out my dad played in the band. Of course he knew that and made it a point to mention it whenever they were around.”
My parents laughed at that.
“Shannon used to get embarrassed because her friends all thought John was cute.”
“Hey, I’m still cute,” he said.
“Of course you are.” She patted his back and stood. “Why don’t you take your cute self over and throw the steaks on the grill? I’m going to fetch more drinks.”