Page 63 of That Next Moment
“You get either or, Phe,” Jamie twisted her torso, moving the entire dress with her. “Statue or free moving. There is no in between.”
“Being her coworker, I can confirm that is true.” Madeline smiled, raising the phone once again to snap another picture. “I think it’s adorable he finally told you everything. He’s been trying to impress you since he walked in that door the first night.”
“He didn’t need to lie to impress me, but I understand. He didn’t want me to hate him.” I stood up and pushed Jamie’s arms down gently, backing away to see how the dress looked. “What do you think, Maddy?”
“I love it. You’re a genius, Phe.”
Jamie smiled and moved her hips back and forth. “It’s perfect.”
“Well, almost. I have to finish the alterations, but it will be.” I put one hand on my hip as Madeline handed me back my phone. I brought it back to life to look at the time.
Madeline patted my back. “He hasn’t texted yet.”
My eyes widened. “Oh, I was just checking the time. I have a meeting with JoAnn,” I said, only halfway lying.
“Mmm hmm,” Madeline hummed.
“Is Clay coming?” Jamie smiled as she spun in a circle, watching the dress flow around her.
“I’m not sure. We didn’t agree to anything.”
“Only that he would bring you coffees,” Madeline smiled.
As if he knew we were talking about him, my phone dinged. I instantly lifted it and focused on the screen. Madeline smiled.
“Speak of the devil.” She gently touched my shoulder and walked over to her dress on the mannequin. “Can I change before he comes?”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” I answered, not exactly aware of what she asked.
Clay: I took the bus today. I’m on my way, I promise.
Ophelia:The bus, huh?
Clay:Milo needed his truck and Elliot was a tad hungover. I have your coffee, and I’m on my way. I’ll be there in ten minutes. By then, your coffee will be at the perfect drinking temperature.
“Is he coming?” I heard Madeline shout from the screen.
“Yes, he took the bus.” I locked down my phone and set it on the table. I knew if I responded, we’d start flirting and yes, we’d kissed, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to flirt with my ex.
Jamie came up from behind me and smiled. “Maybe he can take photos of all of us? Is your dress done yet?”
I laughed, louder than I expected to. “Oh, hell no. I have gowns to design, an Instagram to manage this week without Carter, and a party to finish planning.”
“Clay told me it was almost done,” Madeline shouted.
“If ‘almost’ means we still need food and a guest list, then yes, it’s almost done.”
“I have it! I have the guest list!” Madeline came around from the screen, her dress fitting her like a glove, a dream, and she dashed to her tote bag on the chair.
“Maddy, not so fast.” I moved toward her, envisioning the lace train being stepped on and ripping to shreds. “The train. . .”
“Here.” She bent over, ignoring me and pulling a piece of paper from her bag, jolting up as if she was learning the bend-and-snap from Elle Woods. “We invited a few of his coworkers, and some people from the office—”
Jamie let out an audible groan. Madeline turned and gave her a glare.
“Just the other hygienist and Dr. Brenner, oh and Elliot’s band. They’re going to play for us that night.”
“Maddy, you have about thirty people on this list. You said small.” I looked up at her, my eyebrows lifting to my hairline. “We haven’t even talked to Elliot about the music yet.”