Page 64 of That Next Moment
“Elliot slipped the location and said that he’s covering most of the amenities there, so why not take advantage?” she asked, cocking a shoulder to her ear.
I folded the paper up and tucked it in the waist of my pants, making a mental note to give it to Clay when he arrived. I blinked at her and glanced once more at the door.Has it been ten minutes yet?
“Okay, yes, that’s doable. But here I thought we were almost done. Jamie, please remind me to text Elliot later. Madeline”—I pointed to the pedestal Jamie was on a few moments ago—“please get on the pedestal and walk gracefully.”
Madeline gave a curtsey and gingerly stepped up on the pedestal.
“Now,” I said as I approached. “I need to perfect that skirt today. What shoes are you wearing? Did you bring them?”
Madeline nodded. “They’re in my bag.”
The studio door opened, making us all turn. Clay entered, only one cup in hand, but looking extremely casual. No gray slacks, no button-up shirt, no shiny belt or shoes. He was simple, almost the exact same outfit as yesterday, except he was missing the black boots. I ignored the flutter from my stomach as he came up with a grin, his eyes hyper-focused on me.
“Wait,” Madeline shouted, making all of us turn back to her. “Clay, please bring me the heels by my bag. I’m afraid to move for fear of death.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” Clay chuckled as he grabbed the shoes off the chair.
“No, Ophelia will kill me,” Madeline muttered, giving me the side eyes as Clay held out the shoes. “Iwalkedover there a second ago, and she yelled at me.”
“You were going to step on the train,” I defended myself. “Just put on your shoes. I’ll be right back.”
I turned my back to her and rolled my eyes. Clay gave me a slight smirk from the corner of his lips. “Drink this,” he said, handing me the cup. “You’ll feel better.”
“Thanks.”Wait, do I kiss him hello? Do I give him a hug? A handshake? What do I do?
“Dress fittings today?” he said, motioning his chin to Madeline, who was holding up her skirt while Jamie helped her put on her shoes.
“You got it. Will you be my pin cushion holder again?” I asked, looking up at him, hiding a smile with the coffee cup.
His smile widened, and damn, his eyes sparked. “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?”
There I go again, blushing.
“Oh, here.” I pulled the guest list from my pants and handed it to Clay.
“What’s this?” he asked, taking it to open it.
“Guest list. We have some more planning to do.” I smiled up at him.
“Shoes are on!” Jamie exclaimed, coming up to us and circling her arms around Clay’s waist, giving him a side hug. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a slight squeeze.
“Where’s my coffee?” she asked, pulling away from him. He had a foot on Jamie, and the fact that she had to lift her chin to the sky to even talk to him was hilarious.
“Sorry, Jamie. I only cater to Ophelia.”
Madeline’s dress was back on the mannequin. Jamie’s was laid out neatly on the chair next to it, and Clay sat on the opposite side of my computer as I waited for JoAnn to join the call. The last time I had seen JoAnn was right before I left for Portland, and my body was full of nerves. I wasn’tnervousnervous, I wasexcitednervous. We were talking about the shop, the Instagram, the designs, everything, and Clay was here to hear it all.
My computer dinged, and after a few moments of the internet being glitchy as always, JoAnn’s smiling face was there on my screen. I smiled in return, only to see Clay grin as he watched. Maybe having him here would be too distracting.
“Ophelia Fuller!” JoAnn shouted. “I cannot believe how much the Instagram for the store has blown up!”
“I know.” I held back a chuckle. The more the wedding gowns showed up, the more followers I gained. The store’s feed officially had more followers than my own. “People are loving the gowns, and I simply can’t believe it. I can’t wait to show you what else I have.”
“I have things to show you too, and I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” JoAnn spun the computer around and showed me a cash register set up still in the works, but nonetheless there. My eyes widened. She kept moving the computer, allowing me to take in all the surrounding elements.
“JoAnn,” I said, keeping my excitement in, “you have some designs made already!”
There were three mannequins with my wedding gown designs draped over them. I could tell they were mockups and not finished by any means, but they were there. They were real.