Page 16 of Aloha, Seattle
“I’m fine,” I wheeze, rubbing my fingers up and down my neck. “I’m sorry.”
“Is my cooking that bad you tried to drown yourself with a bottle of water?”
“No! No! Your food is great -”
“Cate, I’m kidding,” he puts out his hand to stop me. “It’s a joke. I’m just trying to lighten the mood. Help you relax.”
We look at each other in silence for a moment. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Or maybe it’s best that I don’t.
“If I can be honest…”
“Please do.”
“I did have second thoughts.”
He seems disappointed. “Why?”
“Because you are basically famous around Seattle,” I pick up the napkin beside my plate and wipe my mouth. “And I panicked thinking about if someone saw us together or took a picture of us.”
“So what if they did?”
“Wouldn’t that complicate things?”
Theo’s arms cross over his chest and he leans back. He looks so relaxed. “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, right?”
“Right,” I nod in agreement, doing my best not to ogle the outline of his muscles underneath his shirt.
“If word got out that we were dating or someone snapped a picture of us, that would only help convince my family we are together,” he explained.
I am quiet for a moment. He is right. This is the deal we made. We are supposed to be convincing people that we are a couple. Why am I hung up on people thinking I am dating this gorgeous man?
“Unless it bothers you,” he breaks my train of thought. “Is there someone else you’re…”
“No.” I shake my head. “No one else. I guess I thought you wouldn’t want everyone to know – or think – we were, you know.”
He smiles and it nearly melts me.
“I appreciate you wanting to shield me from other’s opinions, but I’m not concerned about what random people think or say.” He pops the top off a fresh beer. “I’m just grateful you were the Cate in the coffee shop the other day and not some seventy-two-year-old with dentures and overpowering perfume. That would have been a tough sell.”
I laugh and he joins me.
“That would have been hilarious watching you tell your brother you were dating a grandmother.”
“He would finally understand why I didn’t want any of them to meet her.” He runs fingers through his dark hair, some of it falling over his forehead. “Theo is dating Yaya’s best friend.”
“Yaya?” I tilt my head, stuffing my mouth with another bite of green bean casserole.
“It’s grandmother in Greek.”
“I like that.” I lean back in my seat. “In Spanish, grandmother is Abuela.”
Theo’s eyes dance, as if he’s got a secret he’s just bursting to tell.
“What?” I ask him, sipping my water.
“Caleb’s fiancée…”