Page 17 of Aloha, Seattle
“Her brother, Isaac, is obsessed with Hispanic women.”
“Oh, is he? Is he single?” I laugh but that response seems to surprise Theo.
“As far as I know he is.” He drinks his beer, eyes still fixated on me. “Am I going to have to keep an eye on you two in Hawaii?”
“Why would you do that?” One of my eyebrows arches. “Are you afraid I will fake-dump you for him?”
“Maybe.” Theo’s jaw tightens, highlighting the masculine angles of his face. “So, you’ve heard a lot about me and my family. I think it’s my turn to ask some questions about you.”
“Fair enough.” I fork my apple pie to death and nod. “What do you want to know?”
I brace myself.
“How long have you been a flight attendant?”
An easy question. “Ten years. I started as soon as I turned eighteen. I met both of my roommates who ended up being my best friends during basic training and I haven’t looked back.”
“So, you’re twenty-eight?”
Hell. Walked into that one.
“Yeah. And you said you’re thirty?”
“I just turned thirty on October 23rd.”
“No, way! My birthday is October 27th.”
“Both Scorpios. Does that bode well for us?” He smirks.
“Guess we’ll have to see.” I shrug, tearing pieces of the homemade rolls apart and throwing them in my mouth.
“What are your roommates’ names?”
“Eve and Tommy. I jokingly call them Ma and Pa because they bicker like an old married couple.” I smile just thinking about them and when I look up from my plate, I catch Theo smiling back.
“They sound like a lot of fun.”
“They are,” I nod, swallowing a piece of bread whole so I don’t talk with my mouth full. “And they’re all I’ve got since…”
We sit in silence for a moment and my face feels flushed.
“Are you originally from Seattle?” Theo graciously gives me an out, but I don’t take it. If we are going to pass as a couple, he should know about what he’s too kind to tip toe over.
“My parents immigrated from Spain when I was a few years old. They didn’t want to live somewhere like New York, so they moved here. I was ten when they…” I take a deep breath, “when they died. Car accident.”
Theo lowers his head and stares at his nearly empty beer bottle. “I’m sorry, Cate.”
“It’s not your fault.” I gnaw at my finger until I feel his eyes on me and drop my hand to my lap.
“Favorite place you’ve ever been to?”
I want to hug him for being kind enough to change the subject once more and this time I take the out.
“Hmm… I went to Tokyo once. That was a lot of fun. Great food. Wonderful people.”
“And a place you haven’t been to yet but would love to go?”
“You’re going to laugh at me.” I hide my face behind my hands.