Page 47 of Aloha, Seattle
I whip around to look at him and nearly fall out of my seat. His hand grabs ahold of my waist and pulls me closer to him. Once I am steady, he moves his arm and rests it across the back of my chair.
“Like I said,” he whispers, his lips touching my cheek. “You don’t have to do this tonight.”
I turn to whisper in his ear and my lips brush past his. I suck in a short breath but don’t linger. “A bet is a bet, Théoden.”
“You sure?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
The corners of his mouth twitch. “Because you’re drunk.”
I scrunch my face. “Liquid courage, my love, liquid courage.”
He stares at me, his green eyes seem to smile, and it hits me.
“I meant, sweetheart, not love, because that would mean we’ve said I love you and we haven’t done that so…I am going to stop talking now.”
“What song are you singing?”
Thank God for Caleb and his questions.
“I don’t know,” I point a lazy finger at Theo. “Ask him.” I dare a glance up at Theo. “What song are you feeling”?
“What’s your favorite song?” Theo takes another sip of his beer, arm still draped around the back of my chair, and I am too inebriated to care that I’m watching his Adam’s apple bob and his neck muscles tighten as he drinks. “Cate?”
“Right,” I reluctantly tear my eyes from him. “My favorite song…hmmm…” I tap my fingers along my jawline. “I know.”
“What is it?” Theo asks, a hint of a smile spreading across his tan face.
“Guess you will have to wait to find out.” I bite my lip and hope to God it looks flirty and not like I’m a rabid animal about to chew my own face off.
“Next up,” the DJ announces, “Cate Ortega.”
I finish chugging what is left of my beer and stumble up to the stage. I whisper my song choice into the DJ’s ear, and he nods with a wide grin.
I glide over to the mic stand and take a deep breath. I can feel Theo’s eyes on me and even though the lights spotlighting the stage are blinding, I still find him in the darkness. And for some reason, it steadies me.
The music starts to playI Will Surviveby Gloria Gaynor and I hear some hoots and excited murmurs from the crowd.
This song has been a favorite of mine for years but didn’t bear the weight before that it does now. I can remember every single time Eve and I sang and danced around the apartment together using our hairbrushes or spatulas for microphones. We always said if we ever went to karaoke night this would be the song we would pick.
And with Derek reappearing out of nowhere trying to spoil my paradise vacation, it seems pretty damn appropriate. Part of me finds singing this song cathartic, therapeutic, a release I didn’t know I needed. The other part of me hopes wherever Derek is right this moment, he can hear and feel every single lyric.
By the time I near the end, people are clapping, dancing, and singing with me.
Is this how Jennifer Lopez and Taylor Swift feel? Because this is awesome.
Once the last note leaves my lips, I hear applause. I feel tears coming, as if they have been summoned from the depths of my broken soul. I bend to take a bow and nearly topple from the stage. Theo is already there holding my hand to steady me.
I smile at him, and he lifts me up, one arm against my back, the other tucked under my knees.
“What are you doing?” I throw my head back and squint up at his handsome, manly face.
“I’m taking you back to the room.” He glances down at me. “Is that alright?”
I nod, or at least, I think I nod. All the beer and alcohol are starting to hit me. Like a truck. My eyes feel heavy. I rest the side of my face against his chest, breathe him in, and listen to the steady beat of his heart.
I am not sure how long it takes us, but we finally end up in our hotel suite and he carries me to the bed, gently setting me down.