Page 48 of Aloha, Seattle
Theo sits on the edge of the mattress. “Can I get you anything? A bottle of water?”
I struggle to sit up to look at him. “Was I as good as I thought I was?”
“Singing?” He seems surprised that is my response.
I nod like a bobblehead figurine. “Am I a good singer?”
He smiles, the corners of those gorgeous green eyes crinkle. “You weren’t bad.”
“Thanks.” I twist a strand of my hair in my fingers.
“What’s wrong??”
“I’m sorry,” I huff, my lip quivers.
“For what?” His head tilts to the side, clearly confused.
I tear up and he scoots closer to wrap me in his arms.
“I’m sorry about Derek showing up and ruining dinner. And for getting sloppy wasted and -”
Theo pulls away from me and wipes my tears away with his thumbs. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing for being human?”
“This is…I think tonight was somewhat of a disaster -”
Theo cups my face in his hands and interrupts me. “Derek is an ass, and you deserve better.” He stares at me with the same burning I saw in his eyes when Derek wrapped his arm around my waist.
“I didn’t know he was going to be here.”
“I’m glad he showed up.”
I’m shocked by this and pull back rubbing my bloodshot eyes. “Why?”
“So, he could see you with someone else. See you with someone better.”
I nod, fighting to keep my eyes open. “He definitely looked pissed,” I chuckle and twiddle my fingers. “Guess you won’t need to go to the New Year’s Eve party with me anymore.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” A genuine question.
“I wanted you to go so Derek knew I was better off without him. Now, he’s already seen you.” I shrug. “Plus, it probably won’t be much fun. The company parties never are.”
We sit in silence for what in my drunk head feels like hours.
“A deal is a deal.” Theo reaches for my hand and squeezes. His other hand wipes hair out of my face. “You came all the way to Hawaii for me. The least I can do is go to an awful, boring, company party with you.”
His crinkle eye smile fills me with an overwhelming warmth in my lower belly.
“I think I should let you rest.” Theo hops up and heads for the bedroom doors.
“You’re leaving?” I feel like we are connecting. Like we might even kiss. But then again, in my condition, if we did try to kiss it wouldn’t be sexy. More like me making a fish mouth motion with every intent to suck on his face.
“I’ll just be on the couch.” Theo assures me he is not going far.
“Right.” My gaze falls to my fingers.
“I’ll see you in the morning.” He starts to close the door.
“Can I ask you one more question?” I stop him.