Page 11 of Harboring Shantae
"Don't fuck this up, Panther. Don’t think I didn’t see that bruise on her wrist. That’s unacceptable and you better fix it."
She wanted to be embarrassed by Trista’s remark but she couldn’t find it in her. Shantae liked and respected the woman for what she said. She waited until she was sure Trista was gone and wouldn't be coming back in for any other last-minute remarks. When the silence became too much, she spoke up.
"I never should've written that letter and asked for help. It wasn't fair. I freaked out when, really, there’s no solution to my problem."
Not one that didn't involve her uprooting her entire life and starting over. She wasn't opposed to the idea, but financially, she would barely make it a few months based on her current bank account. Her townhouse cost too much, and the few times she complained to her parents, they were too happy to tell her they would help. She never accepted because it would only leave her further indebted to them.
"Trista's right, you know."
Her heart skipped a beat at Camron's low admission. Did he mean what she thought he meant?
"Protecting people is what my team does. We could easily get you away from here and set you up with a new life."
Oh. The butterflies in her stomach took a nosedive. That hadn't been what she was thinking at all. Of course, he hadn't been referring to the marriage-of-convenience suggestion. It was silly. There was no need to marry her if she was just going to run away.
"But are you okay with it?"
She was giving him an out even if she hoped he didn't take it. She was being selfish. Once Trista mentioned leaving, it was all she could think about. Life away from the politics and deceit sounded like heaven. A life that might consist of Camron sounded even better.
It didn't matter that up until today she hadn't met him in person. Sixteen years of talking meant she already knew everything there was to know about him and his character. Some would think that odd, and in the first few years, she would've agreed. But there was something extremely old-fashioned about the way their friendship evolved.
Camron still hadn't answered her, and she was starting to wonder if maybe he was going to take her up on the opportunity she was giving him. Shantae couldn't gather anything from his neutral look. He had once told her he mastered schooling his expression. She thought at the time he was exaggerating, but now, seeing him in the flesh, she had to agree with him. Nothing about his look gave anything away. The opposite, actually; she barely managed not to squirm under his intense gaze.
"Yes." He finally let the one word pass his lips.
His response didn't make her feel the least bit confident.
"I can figure something else out," she said in a rush. "Trista kinda sprang it on you and I don't want you to feel obligated. At least, not more than you already do since you showed up after I wrote you ..."
She was babbling. Shantae knew it, and yet, she didn't know how to stop. His lack of a response was sending her into a spiral that she couldn't figure out how to get out of.
"Just forget the entire thing." She waved the words off like that would help them disappear. Her embarrassment was growing by the minute. She was two seconds away from darting upstairs and hiding under her covers.
"Are you done?"
Did he really just ask her that? The nerve. After sitting there in near silence, he had the audacity to ask if she was done. Sitting farther back on the couch, she crossed her arms and gave him a look that conveyedexactlyhow she felt about his stupid question. And the man still grinned like he found her attitude amusing.
"Before you get your panties in a twist"—Camron continued to smirk—"if youarefinally done, then it's my turn."
She was tempted to not be done just to wipe that smirk off his face, but that was childish and she prided herself on not stooping that low. But oh, was it tempting.
"I'm not sure why I had it in my head you would be different than the other women my teammates have in their lives." He shook his head and Shantae couldn't tell if that was some backhanded compliment. "But I can tell already, life with you isn't going to be boring. I should've known based on your letters, but they didn't do you justice. Now, about me and my team helping you, I already said it was okay. I figured that one word covered it, but it would seem I was wrong, so let me elaborate. Not only am I okay with getting you the hell out of this town and away from the people who claim to care about you, but I will also do it with a damn smile on my face, and afuck youto them in the rearview mirror."
She started to open her mouth and ask why, but Camron held his palm up, stopping her quickly. The guy was a damn mind reader it would seem.
"The why right now isn't important. Soon enough, but not yet. The only thing that matters is getting you somewhere safe. The rest we can settle later."
So many questions ran through her mind, but now she was the one sitting there without saying a word. Or she was until Camron stood up and yanked her with him.
"Off you go, now." He tapped her ass and shoved her towards the stairs. "Get that pretty little ass of yours moving so we can get the hell out of here."
Wait! What?
Where was her usual snark when anyone told her what to do? Especially men. She barely dated, but she put her foot down when being ordered about. A macho man was a hard no in her book, and yet there she was, walking up the steps without a single complaint.
Stupefied. That's exactly what she was.
Still in a daze, Shantae barely registered the doorbell ringing until Camron yelled up to her.