Page 12 of Harboring Shantae
"Don't worry about that. I'll tell whoever is at the door that you're busy and to come back another time."
Again, she didn't bother to argue. Maybe later it would dawn on her how much trust she put into a man that she physically just met. And she would question why it didn't bother her that Camron was going to answer her front door, especially knowing what was going on.
Later her mind would be clearer, but at what cost?
Chapter 6
Pantherneededtosimmerthings down. From the moment he walked into Shantae's place, it was full steam ahead. Trista and Falcon following him didn't help matters. He went from a quick visit to find out what help Shantae needed, to telling her to pack because she would be flying back with them. That wasn't just fast, that was supersonic. He didn't dojump the gunon things. Every decision in his life, just like when he spoke, was carefully calculated and thought out. Panther didn't do fast.
Until Shantae, apparently. She was both everything he expected and nothing like he thought—based on her letters—all wrapped in one. It was sending him for a loop.
Panther was still looking back at where she disappeared upstairs when the doorbell rang a second time. If that was Trista coming back to yell at him, he was going to give her a piece of his mind. That woman was out of line on the best of days. Today, she was driving him crazy.
A quick look out the peephole and Panther's whole attitude changed. There was no containing his anger as he whipped open the door.
"Senator Adams," he practically growled.
Oh, how desperately he wanted to strangle the man who thought it was okay to give his daughter away like a piece of meat. If he actually thought he could get away with it and not spend a night in jail, he would've shown the man his displeasure. But leaving Shantae alone, while he sat in a jail cell, wasn't an option.
"Who are you?"
The senator tried to push his way into the house but Panther held firm. Anything the man had to say, he could say to him.
"Camron Jones, sir."
He tried to keep his facial expression neutral. There was no need to give anything away just yet. Senator Adams clearly didn't feel the same. The man didn't hide the disdain he felt as he gave Panther a once-over.
"The soldier. Of course, that's who my daughter would run to."
He wasn't sure what Shantae's father knew about him. From what she told him over the years, Shantae never told anyone that they stayed in communication after the first letter that the school required her to send out.
"Marine," he ground out.
"Excuse me?"
The man's stuck-up attitude grated on him. Panther hated politics before, and Senator Adams wasn't making him like them now.
"I served in the Marines, not the Army. Therefore, I'm not a soldier."
The senator waved him off. "Same difference."
It wasn't, and anyone who served in either branch would say as much. The fact that the senator didn't see the problem was exactly why Panther was right to hate the man and everything he represented. Shantae's father probably didn't give a shit about veterans or those serving. They were merely more pawns.
"Is there something I can help you with?" Panther questioned.
He was tempted to toss the man out on his ass, but that wouldn't be smart. It was better to find out what Shantae's father wanted so he could thwart any attempts to force Shantae into doing something she didn't want to do.
"I'm here to speak with my daughter. You have no right to question me or even to be in her home, for that matter. My daughter is engaged. The only man who should be alone with her is her fiancé."
It was like he was thrust back into the 1600s. What was the man going to say next? That her dowry was already taken? That Panther better not have stolen her virtue? The whole situation was becoming more bizarre by the minute. No wonder Shantae wanted out.
"I'll be sure to pass that bit of information along when Shantae comes back down."
Senator Adams looked like someone pissed in his Cheerios. Panther doubted anyone ever denied the man anything. Shantae's father was about to be in for a rude awakening because there wasn't a chance in hell he was letting him anywhere near his daughter. Not after the bruise he saw and the way she refused to tell him what happened.
"I don't think you understand who you are speaking to."
Oh, yeah. No one ever told the senator no. Panther was going to enjoy showing him what the word meant.