Page 51 of Harboring Shantae
"But you look so sexy in a tux," Trista cooed as everyone in the room gave her a look that screamed now wasn't the time. To be fair, Trista also completely ignored everyone.
"One more mention of sex and I'm firing everyone in this room," Wes snapped.
"Past threats prove that's a lie."
If looks could kill, Ray would be a pile of ash right now. Shantae was pretty sure that there was actual fire or maybe laser beams shooting from her boss.
"Just saying. You throw out a lot of empty threats. But can we get back to the plan? Trista and Falcon will go to Washington, D.C., to attend the senator's ball. Falcon will be grumpy the whole time because he prefers tactical pants over a tux. Can't say I blame him. Trista will make it up to him like she always does. They will get the information we need, and hopefully, by having Shantae not show up, her father will realize that she's serious, and the engagement is off. Did I miss anything?"
Every head in the room moved side to side to answer Ray's quick summarization of the plan.
"Excellent, then let's all get back to work. Pretty sure I heard at least one little rug rat running the halls, so I'm sure one of the guys is done causing mayhem that Wes will have to clean up."
Ray didn't stay to see if anyone was going to comment on his assumption, and now that she was listening for it, she did in fact hear little Matthew running around. Zack was probably looking for her.
"I need to get back to work."
She gave Camron a very chaste kiss on the cheek before bolting for the door. She didn't particularly want to test Ray's theory that Wes wouldn't fire her.
Chapter 23
Thatnight,astheycuddled on the couch and watched yet another episode of whatever trashy reality show Shantae loved, Camron thought about how lucky he was. If it hadn't been for her last letter, he probably would've spent the rest of his life alone. It was pathetic to admit, but he needed the push. Left to his own devices, he would never have made the move.
"I can see smoke pouring out of your ears."
Shantae didn't take her eyes off the screen, but from his position next to her, he could see the slightest upturn of her lips.
"Is that so?"
This time, she did look at him with that radiant smile of hers. He could spend the rest of his life worshipping her, if she promised to always smile at him like that.
"Very much so." She turned so that they were now face-to-face. "So tell me. What are you thinking about so hard over there?"
"You do realize I'm not that far away, right? Our bodies are still touching," he teased.
"Sure, you're playing with my hair and randomly caressing my shoulder, but mentally you're a million miles away."
Damn. He had thought she was too wrapped up in her show to realize the mental anguish he was putting himself through.
"So I will ask again. What has you thinking so hard?"
Panther twirled a piece of hair around his finger. He liked that he could now touch her whenever he wanted. It was refreshing.
"I was busy chastising myself for staying away. If you'd never reached out, I would've gone through life completely oblivious of how happy I could've been."
He loved the way her face softened as he spoke about what his life would've been like without her.
"You're not giving yourself enough credit. No one can predict the future, and maybe if I hadn't written you, you would've had something else come up that brought us together. Life is too short to dwell on the what-ifs or could've been. If this experience has taught me anything, it's that you have to embrace the moment and live like there's no tomorrow, because the future isn't guaranteed."
"You're really smart, you know that?"
"It's funny you should say that." Shantae smirked. "There was this guy I wrote throughout college who used to tell me the same thing every time I gave him advice. Boy, that man was really good for my ego."
Now he laughed.
"Oh yeah? What else was good about him?"
Was he fishing for compliments? Maybe. But a man sometimes needed them. Not everyone was as confident as his teammates.