Page 50 of Harboring Shantae
Shantae didn't know about the others, but she kinda was. Except she didn't want to think about Camron's co-workers doing the deed in the same room she taught their children. There were some lines that just didn't need to be crossed.
"Everyone to the situation room before I'm forced to start kicking asses," Wes hollered on his way out the door, a hand still firmly attached to his wife. Jennie looked back and tossed her a wink.
It had her breathing easier. Maybe her job was safe after all. The women around here tended to stick together. Jennie wouldn't have winked if Wes was serious.
She let Camron lead her to the situation room. It came as a shock when she found Trista and Falcon waiting for them. She hadn't seen her friend since the night they got drunk together. There was a good chance she owed Falcon an apology for that night, but here in a room full of people didn't seem like a good time.
Camron pulled out a chair for her. She nodded her head in thanks and let herself relax when he took the seat next to her and rested his warm palm on her lap.
"I see our little drunken escapade worked out in your favor."
Heat flooded her cheeks at Trista's declaration.
"Trista." Camron's tone was full of warning. If she was going to survive with this bunch, then she needed to stop letting others come to her defense.
She straightened her shoulders and smiled before answering. "It certainly did."
Falcon looked proud of her and Camron toyed with the hem of her shorts, promising her a good time. Most likely for standing up for herself.
"Now that we got that out of the way," Wes sarcastically started. "Can we please focus on the matter at hand?"
"Which is?" Camron prompted.
"It would appear your father hasn't given up," Ray explained. "He's leaked to the media that you and Zion will be formally announcing your engagement together at the ball planned for two days from now."
She forgot all about the ball her parents were putting on. It was the same one they held every year for their friends and donors. Shantae always hated it because it was during the week and it was blatant disrespect for those who had to work the next day.
"But I'm not going."
Camron tensed next to her. He couldn't possibly think she would go. Not even for him. She didn't want to be thrust back into that life.
"No one said you had to, so calm down, Panther. I can see you're gearing up for a fight."
She looked at Camron's face. Sure enough, Wes was correct. There was no mistaking the tic in Camron's jaw or the way his nostrils were flaring. Everything about his body language screamed that he wasn't on board with the idea, and that made her feel better.
"So, why did you bring us in here?" Panther questioned.
It was her turn to soothe him. She grabbed the hand that was possessively holding her thigh and laced her fingers through his, showing him that no matter what, she was sticking with him.
"Because Zion is still lying low and we need eyes on him. This could be our chance. Trista managed to secure an invitation to the ball, so she and Falcon will be flying out to attend."
"But my father only invites donors. He wouldn't want anyone there who would potentially take away from him getting more money for his campaign."
It was the sole reason she hated attending the event. It was nothing but assholes wanting to suck up to her father in hopes that donating to his campaign would mean he voted in their favor. Trista ran a nonprofit that relied on donations. She neither could donate money, nor did she need him to pass anything legislation-wise for her.
Unless maybe she did. Was Trista using her to get something passed by her father?
"You would be correct, but it just so happens that we have a mutual friend who was willing to make a sizable donation just to have me invited in his stead. It works out in his favor. He hates attending such events, but knows his company needs to and we needed an in."
Shantae's curious gaze shot toward Wes.
"Not me. I stay out of politics unless it's to piss someone off, but that's not the case for all security companies. To each their own."
That could only mean the secret security company Jaxson worked for. No one seemed inclined to talk about it yet.
"So you're just going to walk into the ball and do what?"
"Recon only," Falcon answered. "Trista will do her thing. We'll dance because I never can get out of that. I'll try my hardest not to kill anyone, since wearing a tux is not my idea of a good time. But really, we just want to get eyes on Zion. He's been suspiciously quiet, and that never bodes well for anyone."