Page 49 of Harboring Shantae
He did as she asked, but stayed close. When he turned to her, his sexy lips had dropped into a frown.
"Why did you push me away?"
"Because our boss just yelled at us for touching at work. You've been here awhile and he won't fire you but that's not the case for me. I like working with these kids. I don't want to give Wes a reason to let me go."
A laugh filled the large room, but it didn't come from Camron and certainly not her. She quickly whipped her head around and realized Wes had never actually left the room. She had been so focused on Camron that she missed Wes still standing there.
"He's laughing at me," she told Camron.
She wanted to hide from embarrassment. Wes was going to think she was an idiot.
"Notatyou, baby girl."
She tapped Camron's rock-hard stomach and said in wonder, "Well, he'ssmiling."
From what she heard and saw, she didn't think that was possible.
"Yes, he is."
"And he has fucking dimples, Camron. Really sexy dimples."
That stopped the smiling and laughing. Shit. Now she'd done it. She really pissed him off. Wes was now scowling.
"Don't call our boss sexy, baby girl."
"I wasn't calling him sexy!" she squeaked. Although he definitely was, just not her type. "I was surprised by his dimples, and you know, they're ... cute."
That word only seemed to further infuriate both Wes and Camron.
"Stop intimidating her." Jennie walked into the room and chastised her husband. Wes snagged her around the waist and pulled her into his side, causing both a sigh and a poke to his also rock-hard body.
"She commented on my dimples, woman."
"And so has every other female in this place because you walk around with a perpetual scowl on your face, so it shocks them the first time they see them. It makes you look more human and that, my dear husband, is not a bad thing."
She thought she heard Wes continue to grumble but their voices were low and she felt like she was intruding on a private moment.
"Just to be clear." Camron's large palm cupped her cheek. "Wes would never fire you because I was holding you when he walked in. He's not nearly as grumpy as he lets on."
"Yes, I am. Don't be telling lies over there."
"You focus on your wife and I'll focus on mine," Camron snapped back with a shake of his head. "What's that goofy smile for?"
"I like when you refer to me as your wife."
Really liked it actually, considering the reason behind their marriage.
"You are my wife and I have zero intention of ever changing that."
Yeah, she mentally swooned, if she wasn't already in love with him, then that would've done it.
It was getting harder and harder not to tell him, but she would wait. She didn't want to scare him off yet, but soon. Very soon.
"Well, isn't this a cozy little moment?" Ray joined them in the daycare room. "I thought I sent you to get them, but I see this is where the couples meet to get a little alone time. Fitting I suppose, since this is where the children from those intimate moments end up anyway."
"Too far, Ray. Too far," Jennie deadpanned.
"Oh, come on, it was a good one. I know the four of you are laughing on the inside."