Page 62 of Kiss To Salvage
“Just like I said, try it out.”
She lifts her arm in the air, her phone still clasped in her hand, the camera focusing on us when some kind of filter pops on the screen.
“Seriously?” I scowl at her as matching pairs of glasses appear on our faces.
“I knew it. It’s totally not fair how good you look.”
“I look ridiculous.”
“You lookhot.” She presses the button, capturing the image and bringing the phone closer for better inspection. “So hot. I think this will go to my private collection.”
“Like hell, it will.” I grab the phone out of her hand.
“Hey, gimmie that. My phone. My photo.”
I quickly type over the image and post it before returning the phone.
“What did you do?”
She opens the story just as the picture uploads. My scowling and Jade’s smiling faces appear on the screen. She looks small, sitting on my lap, with my hand sprawled over her stomach as I hold her close, the caption “check out the hunk that’s my boyfriend” written below.
“A hunk, ha!” she snorts. “Thinking highly of yourself, are we?”
“You’re the one who said I was hot,” I remind her.
“Also territorial.”
I don’t even bother denying it. “You ashamed to call me your boyfriend in front of your friends?”
“No way, although these are hardly my friends. Besides, you shared it on the wrong Instagram, buddy.”
Rolling my eyes at her, I grab my phone. I made sure to tag myself, so when I open the app, it’s the first message waiting for me, making it easy to repost.
“Better?” Chuckling, I shake my head. “I thought we were studying.”
“We are, but I’m so bored. I swear, I’m half tempted to throw this book out of the window.”
“Not a fan of the classics?”
“If it doesn’t have smut in it, I’m out.” A smirk appears on her face as she turns to me. “I can totally see my professor’s face if I gave her one of the books I read. She’d probably have a coronary.”
My brow quirks up. “Smut, you say?”
“Of course, you’d get stuck on that part.”
“Hey, can’t blame a guy for being interested. The most I’ve read recently are chemistry and biology, which are not nearly as interesting. So tell me more about these books you’re reading in your spare time.”
“No way.” She gets to her feet. “C’mon, let’s go out.”
“We’re studying,” I remind her, but I don’t try to resist when she grabs my hand and tugs me upward.
“We studied enough. Didn’t they teach you in that fancy doctor school of yours that studying requires substance?”
“I’m technically not in med school. Not yet, which is why I have to study in the first place. You know, so I don’t fail my MCATs and can apply to said med schools?”
“We can study later. After a coffee.”
“I have coffee here.”