Page 63 of Kiss To Salvage
“That rusty old thing that filters mud? I think not.”
“Fine,” letting out a sigh, I get up. “But we’re taking our books with us.”
Jade shakes her head at me, tsking. “Prescott Wentworth is going all responsible on me. I don’t think I ever saw this day coming.”
“If you want that coffee, grab your books, Cole, and get your ass moving.”
With another roll of her eyes, she starts to turn around, but at the last moment, I pull her back to me, crushing my lips to hers in a hard kiss.
“I thought you said we were going to study,” she breathes, her cheeks flushed.
“We are.” I slip her hair behind her ears. “This is just an incentive to be a good girl.”
“Here we go again with you and your kinks.” She places a hand on my chest, giving me a shove strong enough so I fall back on the mattress. “Get your head out of the gutter and grab your books. We’ve got work to do.”
Work, right.
I run my hand over my face, rubbing at my forehead. Letting out a sigh, I push from the bed and quickly gather my stuff just in time to catch Jade grabbing her bag off the floor.
“No heavy lifting,” I chastise, tugging her bag from her hand and throwing it over my shoulder.
“Seriously?” Jade props her hands on her hips, and even though she tries, I can see the slight flinch passing over her face at the motion. She tries to act strong, but she’s still hurting.
“Seriously.” I look around the room, my eyes falling on my chair.Bingo.Grabbing the hoodie I took off earlier, I pull the zipper down and open it for her. “Arms.”
“You have to be joking.”
“Arms,” I repeat, putting on my no-nonsense face that has her shaking her head.
“You’re crazy.” Still, she slides her hands into the sleeves, and I pull the zipper up to her chin.
“You can’t get sick with your chemo so close.” I take her hand in mine and pull her toward the door.
“We’re going out. Need something?” I ask Spencer. He and Xander had gotten home a little while ago and sat their asses in front of the TV.
“We’re good,” he mutters, barely glancing at us as his hockey player skates over the screen, only to turn around and do a double take. “Well, hello, Jade. Fancy seeing you here.”
“Oh shut up, Spence.” I pull Jade closer to me. “Let’s get out of here.”
We say goodbye before grabbing our jackets and heading into the chilly early November afternoon.
“I still think this was a bad idea. I can smell the snow in the air.”
She tilts her head back, looking up at the darkening sky. “You think we’ll have snow for Thanksgiving?”
“Possibly,” I murmur, my thoughts going to all the unanswered calls waiting for me on my phone.
My dad tried calling me a few times in the last couple of weeks, but I’ve managed to avoid him so far. What was the point of talking? I knew what he’d say, and there was no way I’d agree to go home. I have too much on my plate without dealing with Dad.
“Which is even more of a reason for you to stay home where it’s warm.”
Jade lets out a loud groan. “Can we not?” She pushes open the door to Cup It Up, the warm air hitting us in the face as we enter.
“I’m just saying…”
“What happened to you taking it easy and staying home?”
“For God’s sake!” Jade turns around and glares at her brother, who’s leaning against the bar. “Don’t you start.”