Page 64 of Kiss To Salvage
“Maybe if you weren’t as stubborn as a mule…”
“Takes one to know one, big brother.” She looks at Yasmin, who’s standing behind the counter. “Can’t you please control your husband?”
Yasmin lifts her hands in the air. “I’m not getting in the middle of you two.”
Jade sticks her tongue at her. “Chicken.”
“Maybe, but I’ve learned my lesson the hard way. I’m not doing it again.”
Callie glances up from her phone, where she’s furiously typing. “One good thing about being an only child.”
Nixon huffs, “Have you heard you and Yasmin get into it?”
Callie and Yasmin exchange a look, matching smiles on their faces. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Callie says, returning her attention to the phone.
“Of course not,” Nixon says dryly. “Hayden coming home for the holidays?”
Callie’s face lights up immediately. “He is. They have another game, so it’ll be a while, but he should meet us at his grandmother’s place.”
“While on the topic of holidays.” Jade turns to Nixon. “When are we driving back home?”
“You’ve got an exam on Tuesday, right?” Nixon glances at his wife, waiting for her confirmation.
“Yeah,” Yas nods, placing two coffee cups on the counter in front of us. “After that, we’re good to go.”
“Sounds like a plan. I only hope I won’t feel like shit by then.” Jade turns to me. “When are you going back home?”
The sip I took suddenly turns sour in my mouth. I swallow it down, feeling my stomach roll. Unease, guilt, and relief all mix together.
“I’m not going back home.”
Surprise flashes on her face. “You’re not? So what are you going to do?”
“Stay here, I guess,” I shrug. “It’s not like it would be the first time.”
Jade’s mouth opens, the understanding flashing on her face. She knows more about my family situation than anybody else sitting at this table. About my parents, their crazy expectations, and our dysfunctional relationship. About Gabriel.
Sadness flashes on her face, so I slide my hand into hers under the table, forcing out a smile. “Don’t look at me like that.”
I could take many things, but I couldn’t take her sadness. Especially not her sadness because of me.
“I know, it’s just…”
“Why don’t you come with us?”
Both Jade and I turn toward Nixon to find him watching us.
“What?” he smirks. “Don’t look so shocked right now.”
A crinkle appears between Jade’s brows. “Did you just invite him over?”
“Hey, just because I’m open to the idea of you two together doesn’t mean shit. He’s sleeping on the couch.”
“Like hell he is,” Jade protests.
“You can either take it or leave it, Smalls.”
“You’re being an asshole. If I remember correctly, Yasmin slept in your bed when she was visiting.”