Page 11 of Cold As Ice
I nodded, then stood up, grabbed my cover-up, and pulled it over my body. The last thing I did was grab my glass.
Following Stella into the clubhouse, I had my head down, buttoning up my coverup one-handed, when I ran smack dab into the hardest chest known to man.
“Oomph,” I said, and luckily my glass didn’t spill all the way over the rim.
“Oh my gosh, Pipe, I am so sorry. Gabby wasn’t watching where she was going.” Stella hurriedly explained about me running into the man.
Looking up and then up and then up, the moment my eyes locked with his, there was that feeling. The one that settled deep in your marrow. The one that traveled down to your lady bits and ignited a fire inside of you, unlike anything you have ever felt before.
When my eyes locked with his, I saw his eyes widen.
And before I could ask about that, Stella grabbed my arm and pulled me around the man, I hadn't even understood what she had called him, and dragged me through the main room of the clubhouse and then into the kitchen.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Who was that?” I panted as I asked Stella as I followed her into the kitchen to help get dinner started.
It wasn’t my night to cook, but the girl whose responsibility it was for tonight wasn’t here to do it because she had been kicked out of the MC and banned for life.
How did that happen?
Simple, she broke one of their five rules.
Rule One: No talking about what happens on club property. Ever.
Rule Two: No trying to trap the brothers.
Rule Three: No sleeping with men who are not a part of the MC.
Rule Three, Subsection A: You could but you must have approval from Asher.
Rule Four: You can’t say no to a brother.
Rule Five: You never disrespect a brother.
They really were simple.
But guess which rule Hallie broke?
Yep. Rule Two.
See, there are two types of club girls. Well, they are really called kutte chasers. The ones who think that spreading their legs for every man in the MC in the hopes that one of them will fall in love with her pussy so much that he will make her an ole’ lady.
And then you have the standard club girl. The one that just loves sex and loves how an outlaw biker gives it to her.
So, Hallie was known as a kutte chaser. She was found poking needles through Whit’s condoms and that was a big ass no-no.
Hell, I was surprised that they didn’t end her, but I do know that they locked her in the basement three weeks ago and had her blood drawn every week to ensure that she wasn’t pregnant.
They just carted her off the property two hours ago.
I was brought back to the here and now when Stella started to explain the man she had called Pipe to me.
“He’s been a nomad for going on three years now, I think. His wife made a big ordeal about a run he went on and got hurt and she cried those fake ass crocodile tears. Anyway, to shut her up he went nomad and spent time with her. But she didn’t care that he lost all the protection he had and when he got hurt again because ten guys jumped him, she was like oh my gosh I didn’t realize, let's go back. Fucking cunt muffin. Anyway, so that’s why he’s back.”
I nodded then.
And he is off-limits. Good.
Because I never envisioned myself ending up with any of the brothers. I just wasn’t like that, but for that man, for Pipe? Hell, I would be tempted to do anything to keep him in my bed under lock and key.