Page 12 of Cold As Ice
But I did want to know how he got hurt and knew that the run he was on wasn’t any of my business, so I asked lightly, “You said he got hurt? Where?”
She raised a brow at me. I smiled and shook my head, “Not where did he get hurt. Where on his body did he get hurt? I know I am not allowed to know anything that happens. It's club business. I get that you know things because you are the president’s daughter.”
“And that statement right there is why I wish you hadn’t become a club girl.” The breath in my lungs stalled when Asher said that as he walked into the kitchen.
Cocking my hip to the side, I asked, “And why is that?”
“Because you would have made a killer ole’ lady.” He said as he pressed a kiss to Stella’s cheek and said, “Be back in time for dinner.”
“Okay, Dad.” She smiled at him and then started getting out things for dinner.
I didn’t know that anyone else was in the kitchen with us because my back had been to the entryway.
But when I heard that deep rasp again?
Shivers coursed down my spine.
“I got shot in the calf while I was riding, didn’t go to the hospital as I should have. Got infected, and now I have a limp. Got jumped, five broken ribs, collapsed lung, concussion, and a broken femur.” And with that, Pipe walked over to me.
The air in the kitchen suddenly turned down. Stella faded into the background when he stepped toward me, looked down, and quirked his eyebrow.
Without saying a word to me, he reached his hands down and finished buttoning the last three buttons on my cover-up, and not once did he lose eye contact with me.
Then, without so much as another word to me, he turned and walked out of the kitchen.
If I told you that I didn’t watch his fine ass hugged tightly in those denim jeans, I would be a liar.
A big fat liar.
If I also told you that I was glad he was married, I would also be lying about that too.
Married. Married. Fucking married.
Chapter 4
Standing there as I watched the party raging on, my eyes scanned for the woman I had seen and met earlier today.
I’m not going to lie; my dick had gotten rock fucking hard a-fucking-gain when she bumped into me. And then, it got even harder, if that was possible, when I had breathed in her scent as I finished up the buttons on her cover-up.
And then like a fucking moron, I turned from her and walked out of the kitchen. If I would’ve stayed there, feeling the soft flesh my fingers grazed over another second longer, I would have broken every single vow I ever made to my wife.
My eyes trailed over every single female here and I’m not going to lie, I frowned when I didn’t see her.
“What the fuck has that frown on your face, brother?” Asher, my Pres, asked as he sidled up next to me.
I wasn’t one to beat around the bush, so I told him, “Saw a woman earlier, wanted to meet her, get to know her but I don’t see her.”
Asher didn’t even look around, not when an all-knowing glint entered his eyes. “You were looking for Gabby.”
“That’s what your daughter introduced her as to me, yeah.” I nodded, then took a sip of my lukewarm beer.
“Gabby is a club girl. And you need to look for another one if you are looking to get some.”
I wasn’t planning on cheating on my wife, even though I knew that’s what she was most likely doing right now. Why she felt the need to feign a headache after she got a text message I didn’t know. All she had to do was tell me she wanted to leave, and I wouldn’t have cared. Not. One. Fucking. Bit.
But his statement caused something in my brain to short circuit. Did someone already have a claim on her? Unable to contain the growl that slipped out, I asked, “Why is that?”