Page 308 of Abduction
They were boned but good.
Oh, and Remington was likely off bleeding somewhere in a swamp.
Jesus, but when they did it, they did it spectacularly. That was for damn sure.
Once back to the office, Maura had one regret.
That Remington didn’t wear the high-tech gear that Elizabeth had given him.
Granted, he might have lost it to the enemy, but still. It would have made finding him easier.
No one liked playing hide-and-seek in a swamp—especially when they weren’t one hundred percent sure he was the one hiding there.
This was going to be a nightmare.
Maura was trying to do anything but take people into the swamp at night.
Only, she knew that he wouldn’t make it to morning. Swamps and injuries tended to mean infection, and infection meant fever, and hallucinations. If it was Remmy who was hurt, Calyx had very little chance of getting out on her own.
Time was running out for them.
She needed to figure out an extraction plan.
“Merry, I need a visual of that location,” she said, clueing the woman in.
Merry did her thing, using MATE.
“Scanning,” she said.
Maura watched.
“MATE, go into holographic mode for me.”
The system obeyed, checking the voice command before allowing access.
The swamp appeared.
“The location is ten miles wide. Water levels can get to fifteen feet deep in certain spots.”
She thought about it.
What would Remmy do?
He’d try to get them to high ground. Somewhere that they could be safe as night fell.
“MATE, are there any buildings in the swamp. Like shacks, cabins, or…”
The system hummed.
“Yes, there are. I have located five hunting cabins through the ten miles. Would you like the list of owners?”
“No, but can you mark them on the map?” she asked.
Jagger was beside her, and he knew what she was thinking. Remmy would get to the closest one where they could get out of water by nightfall.
Being in the water was a death sentence at night. The predators preyed in the dark.