Page 75 of Next in Line
“You’re right, but judging by what you told me yesterday, Kyle might,” she replied without thinking.
“He’ll do no such thing,” her father said, slamming the palm of his hand on the table for good measure.
“Let’s all take a breath and relax for a moment,” Mr. Carrington urged. “We need to think with a clear head.”
“What we need to do is come up with a plan,” Angel said, taking the initiative. “My sister was married against her will and we need to discuss the consequences of that.”
Sienna suppressed a shudder at the reminder of being Kyle’s wife. The atmosphere in the room was far from cheerful, but not entirely hopeless.
“The Lockwood’s estate is safe,” her father announced with relief in his eyes. “We haven’t signed any documents and after your speech the other day, we probably never will. Although, I still plan on leaving you with a piece of the fortune. I’m sure your brother won’t mind.”
Angel nodded, satisfied with getting the bigger slice of the cake. Sienna’s heart warmed at seeing them. They were all trying to do what was best for her, looking after her, and taking care of her. She was blessed.
“There’s nothing left from the Ryder’s fortune. We took it for ourselves when we overthrew them,” Mr. Carrington said as a matter of fact, bluntly referring to the Ryder Massacre.
Sienna wasn’t surprised to hear she didn’t have anything left in that area, which only meant one thing.
“He’ll try to take what Dalia left me,” she said in horror when she realized that taking that also meant taking her every means of freedom and equality. Without it, she’d be subjected to the Carrington and Lockwood’s mercy. She didn’t want to tiptoe around the wolves again, begging for scraps.
“We won’t let that happen,” Jensen assured her.
“We already got in touch with your lawyer, Samson Ball, letting him know about everything that happened. They set more perimeters and strengthened the safety measures. If Kyle tries to come for Aghayan fortune, he’ll be caught and promptly dealt with,” Xavier told her with more confidence than she felt. “He can’t do anything without resurfacing.”
“Frankly, I’m more worried about him keeping his head down,” Aiden commented, getting everyone’s attention.
“What do you mean?” Jensen asked, his brows furrowing in a way that told her there were options he hadn’t considered.
“Just bear with me for a moment here,” Aiden said and stood up, pacing up and down as he talked, gesturing wildly with his hands. “Kyle lost everything. His brother’s dead. His father’s dead. I don’t know how close he was to Brian, but he’s also dead. Most of his clan is dead while the others are in hiding, probably with him. But that doesn’t mean he’s without allies. They might be few, but they are still dangerous. I don’t think he’ll come for the money, fortune, or power. I think he’ll come for blood. Kyle knows that with our combined forces, he can’t survive, so the best he can hope for is to get down causing as much damage as he can. Not just Sienna, but everyone should be careful, because I think he’ll try to assassinate some of us.”
Sienna’s mouth fell open in shock, same as Jensen’s. Kyle was alone, but that didn’t make him any less dangerous, quite the opposite. He was angry and he had nothing to lose, which meant he didn’t have any fears. He was the worst kind of threat they would have to face.
“What should we do?” she asked, hating herself for letting her voice shake.
Jensen stood up, taking charge over the situation. His voice was strong and unyielding, and soon he had everyone nodding in agreement to his plan.
“I’m not trusting any of the guards with you again,” Jensen said to Sienna. “Yes, they’ll be there, but you’ll also always be accompanied by one or all of us. We’ve been trained since we were old enough to walk, and I think we all care enough about you to be willing to put our lives to the side if it comes to it.”
The other Carrington heirs nodded in unison. Sienna wanted to tell them how much that meant to her, how important they were to her, but now wasn’t the time.
“We’ll use all our connections to set a strict perimeter as well,” Jensen continued. “We’ll call the army if we have to, but there won’t be any corner that we won’t have eyes on. We’ll get Thorne to use his face recognition software, using the help of satellites to try to locate Kyle. We’ll also add his known associates to the list.”
“She should move to our annex,” Jaxon said, referring to the golden Carrington suite the heirs built for themselves. “That way we’ll be able to keep a close eye on her.”
“Adrianna too,” Sienna said, not wanting to separate from her friend. “I love you guys, but she’s far more entertaining than any of you could ever hope to be.”
“I don’t mind company,” Jaxon replied with a smirk and a gleam in his eyes that told her he was thinking of the foursome they had in the very same Carrington suite, the first time she visited.
Everyone agreed, talked some more about the details about who would make what calls. When the meeting was over, despite her protests that she was able to walk, Jensen wheeled Sienna to the Carrington suite with the rest of the heirs following close behind.
Sienna realized how rare it was that she’d be in the same room with all of the Carrington heirs without the pretense of attending a meeting or sitting by her bedside while she was recovering. It was her chance to talk to them. Maybe the only one she’d ever had.
Assoonastheyreached the Carrington suite, Sienna got up from the wheelchair. Thanks to the painkiller Adrianna gave her, she didn’t feel any pain. Enjoying the opportunity to stretch her legs, she walked around the big salon. The heirs made herself comfortable and despite seemingly lounging on the sofa, their eyes never left her.
“You don’t need to watch me all the time. It’s annoying, not to mention stalkerish,” Sienna complained.
“We’re just trying to keep you safe,” Jensen told her.