Page 76 of Next in Line
Sienna rolled her eyes. “I’m here and I’m as safe as it gets. You should at least try to do your regular jobs, activities, or whatever it is that you do when you’re not with me.”
“I doubt you’d want me to do that,” Jaxon said with a chuckle.
“Yeah?” Sienna rose to the challenge. “What would you do?”
Jaxon pushed himself off the sofa and walked to her, making slow predatory movements. “When I’m not fucking you, I think about fucking you, which means that I get hard and need to do certain things to relieve the pressure,” he said, loud enough to send Jensen into a coughing fit, while Aiden and Xavier seemed unaffected by their brother’s brass talk. “Since you’re more or less stuck here, would you be interested in joining me?”
Sienna’s cheeks burned red, but she couldn’t ignore the tingling between her legs. She opened her mouth but closed them when she realized she didn’t know how to reply.
“You should at least give her one day to settle before trying to get her naked. Besides, her body needs to heal if she hopes to be able to handle us,” Aiden said, reprimanding his brother.
Sienna’s eyes widened, unable to comprehend how openly they talked about sex and the fact that she had slept with all of them. Well, except Jensen who was the only one besides her who looked at least remotely embarrassed, but not enough to say anything.
“You guys are idiots,” Xavier commented, then looked at Sienna. “Just to make it clear, we won’t do anything you don’t want us to, but if you want to do something, we’ll make it worth your while.”
“Yup,” Jaxon said, popping the “p” with a smack of his lips, then added a wink as if he wasn’t sleazy enough.
Jensen cleared his throat but couldn’t disguise the rawness in his voice when he spoke. “Since we’re all here to keep Sienna safe, I think we should bring the mattresses in the salon and sleep in one room. It’s not safe for any of us to be alone. We should also make sure to put weapons around the room, both out in the open as well as hiding them.”
The immediate future flashed before Sienna’s eyes as she realized what was happening. She was expected to sleep in one massive bed made out of several mattresses with all the Carrington heirs, while being fully aware that they would be more than happy to have sex either one on one or all together. She must’ve hit her head harder than she thought because her life right now didn’t seem real.
“I came as soon as I was told,” Adrianna said when she entered the room. Her eyes took in everyone’s faces, and her lips curled up into a smile that turned into a full-on grin. “If the circumstances weren’t so dire, I’d easily say that this would be the best thing that happened to me.”
Sienna suppressed a groan when she realized that Adrianna would be far from helpful. She wouldn’t be surprised if her friend ended up being the one that started doing something small that would push everyone over the precarious invisible boundary.
“I brought you some food,” Adrianna told Sienna, setting the tray on the table.
Glad for a distraction, Sienna dug into the food. She was aware of everyone’s eyes on her, following her every move, watching her every bite. She bit back a retort, hoping they’d soon get bored.
First night, they’d leave her alone, but the second night, the insinuations would come stronger and louder. The part that scared her was that the more she thought about it, the more she burned with desire to do it. The Carrington heirs were formidable lovers each in their own right. They satisfied her on more than one occasion. She didn’t even dare to think about how many orgasms she’d have with all of them pleasuring her at once.
Once again, Sienna wondered if she had died and gone to heaven. With every bite of the food and every second that passed, she became surer of what she wanted. As soon as she’d had enough rest to heal her aching body, she would satisfy her deepest desires, live her wildest dreams, and give into the strongest of temptations.
Being with one heir was challenging on the body in every way, but being with all of them, she should make sure to bring her top game. She made a silent promise to follow her needs and desires as soon as she was strong enough not to disappoint. They most definitely wouldn’t fail to satisfy all of her cravings.
Jaxon was the first to get bored watching her and turned his attention to the TV. Adrianna happily chatted with Xavier who was explaining something to her, gesturing wildly with his hands. Aiden was doing pushups in the corner of the room. He took off his shirt, giving Sienna a full view of his sweaty, muscular body. She turned away, meeting Jensen’s eyes who caught her staring. He smirked as her cheeks reddened.
Despite pretending to be fully focused on her food, she was aware of Jensen getting up and walking to the table. He chose a chair next to her, his leg touching hers when he sat down.
“How are you doing?” he asked with a soft voice, sounding like he genuinely wanted to know.
“I’m not sure,” she admitted, then let out a resigned sigh. “Okay, is it just me or is this whole thing so fucking weird?”
Jensen’s lips twitched and he threw a quick glance at his brothers, then shrugged. “It’s the Carrington code of honor. Until a person is bound by marriage, we’re not allowed to display jealousy and should be willing to share.”
Sienna winced at the mention of marriage at the same time his eyes widened. He opened his mouth, no doubt to apologize, but she shook her head.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” she told him.
“If it helps in any way, none of us acknowledge that you’re married, which is why they’re so open with their insinuation,” Jensen told her, leaning closer.
Sienna looked up, meeting his eyes, their heads so close that their breaths mixed. “What about you? You don’t strike me as the sharing type.”
Jensen’s face darkened and his lips set into a thin line. After he took a deep, steadying breath, his eyes softened. “That was the old me. I don’t exactly know who I am now, but I wouldn’t mind watching while I try to figure out what I want.”
Sienna’s stomach fluttered at his admission. The image of her fucking Jaxon, Aiden, and Xavier, while Jensen sat at the foot of the bed, pleasuring himself, made the tingling between her legs insufferable, forcing her to squirm on her seat to push it down.
Jensen gave her a knowing smirk, before excusing himself and joined Jaxon, who opened himself a cold beer and watched an action movie. As soon as he left, Adrianna joined her. Before she could say anything, Sienna gripped her hand.