Page 68 of Say You'll Stay
Joel must be one of those guys that causes trouble, but you don’t know it until it’s too late. “This must be Jadon.” He kneels down and pulls a sucker from his pocket. “I hear you’re plant-based. Me too. Here you go, it’s rabbit approved.”
My dad reaches out a hand to Joel, shaking it once he stands to his feet again. “Tom. Nice to meet you...”
“Shoot, sorry.“ Lucas rips his eyes off me. I didn’t realize he was watching me. “Tom, this is Joel. My best friend, and this is his place.”
Dad and Joel shake hands and it’s weird, but it could be worse right now. “Nice to meet you, sir. I hear you like to fish.”
If my dad holding up his fishing pole isn’t obvious enough, I don’t know what else is. Maybe the fisherman hats he and Jadon are both wearing.
“Sure do. Where can I set up?”
* * *
There are quite a few people here. People from Lucas’ high school. I don’t know any of them at all. My dad is trying to be helpful and has been out on Joel’s boat with Jadon and Joel for the last hour, while Lucas has introduced me to the millions of friends he has.
They are all friendly and nice, but I see the misdirected jealousy. I can feel it in the girls that are here.
“This is Allie. We have a son, Jadon, over there.” With one arm around my shoulders, he points over to the boat. He’s really playing up the “we have a kid” thing. I mean, it makes sense, I suppose.
I thought this was a smaller gathering, but that means fifty or more in Lucas Kennedy’s world. I won’t complain. Jadon is having fun and Lucas hasn’t left my side. Plus, it’s a pleasant distraction.
One of Lucas’ friends is on the grill and calls Lucas over. “You mind grabbing some more drinks? We’re already out.”
“Yeah, no problem. Allie, you want to come?”
Jadon and dad will be out there all afternoon...
Stay here and get death glares from probably some of Kat’s friends, or go to the store with Lucas? “Sure.”
Lucas is standing over by a tower of soda cases, and I can’t help but notice how every woman in close proximity is suddenly at attention. Seriously, is he the god of women or something? I swear it’s like he’s walking past them and their nipples are suddenly drilling holes in their bras, screaming for Lucas freaking Kennedy to touch them.
I think they call this projecting, and I’m too stubborn to admit it.
Eight. There are eight women giving off every possible pheromone, trying to attract his attention while he bends down to pick up a case of soda.
Yeah, I’m looking too. Sue me.
Two of these girls I went to high school with and distinctly remember them ranking high on the bitch scale.
They’re all ten seconds away from drooling or lifting their skirts to prove that Lucas Kennedy, in fact, does have the proverbial “panty melting” gene.
Why is he like this?
Why is it that this remarkably beautiful piece of ass he has in board shorts just makes me want to touch it? I don’t know, he’s just a good distraction.
Also, a friend. Remember that.
But I can’t help but wonder what he or I did to end up in this situation. I’m not playing the “I’m ugly and nobody loves me” card. I’m not. It’s just that there’s a difference.
There are women who just know things. They know how to just be sexual goddesses. They are well-versed in the world of seduction and bright red lipstick and look flawless. The type of woman Lucas is with.
There are the rest of us who are also beautiful but with less makeup and sheer confidence. I mean, when I walk into a room, I have this subconscious need to make sure there’s nothing on my face.
But what I wouldn’t give to walk into a bar or something, sit down beside a man, and then just be sexy. But I can’t pull it off. It isn’t me.
It would just be nice for a change. Just for one day.
These women are undressing him with their laser-focused eyes while he—god, he’s bent over again. He’s bending down, maybe grabbing something. I don’t know, I can’t tell.