Page 71 of Say You'll Stay
“If I were in his shoes, Allie, and I fucked up, I would be here with you, trying to make up for it. He should make up for ghosting a girl he claims to love and whatever the fuck he said or did to you last night.”
I turn to face him and don’t care if anyone else is hearing it. “He kicked me out of his car in downtown Chresley after dinner. I had to order an Uber.”
His face morphs into something else entirely. “He fucking left you in downtown Chresley? What the hell? Does he know how dangerous that is? And what if someone in a van pulled up and grabbed you? What then?”
Why does everyone focus on that?
“Come on,” he pushes the cart forward. “Let’s go spend some time with our son. We’ll eat, watch fireworks, I’m going to sneak in inappropriate touches when no one is looking, and then I’ll drop you off at home like one hell of a good fucking friend.”
He continues toward the long line while I move to walk beside him.
“Fucking Chresley. What a prick.”
“Yeah.” He’s scowling at his phone.
“I made it home safely. I am fine.”
“No, you’re not. It was your damn birthday, Allie, and he kicked you out of the fucking car. I didn’t do that. No, I didn’t. I didn’t take you away from where we were, and you had your friend still there. I didn’t leave you in some strange place alone at night.” He shakes his head in disbelief. “Fucking asshole. Who does that?”
The thought of Ted boils my blood these days. His absence—this time—has taken more of a toll on Allie than the first time he disappeared.
Allie is closed off and nothing like she was while we were together on her birthday and before the fireworks. All I got was to touch her hand before Jadon decided he wanted to be in the middle of us and hold our hands himself. It was sweet, and it makes me happy to see he wants me in his life.
But I was that close…
Allie has moments where she lets go and embraces what she wants, and then she falls back into this stunted guilt because her boyfriend has let her feel that way.
Gaslighting much, Ted?
He’s talked about making a commitment but never has. There is obviously something wrong with a guy that would do this to her. He clearly doesn’t love her, but won’t give her up. I thought, for sure, he was going to propose on the night of her birthday. Tom said he was hinting at it beforehand when he called, but then a guy that loves a girl doesn’t pull shit like that.
Allie doesn’t know what the hell to do. It’s because there has been no closure or repair with Ted. That bastard ignored her, showed up on her birthday, and then dumped her ass on the street.
He hasn’t called her in weeks and I know she’s torn in two about this. I can’t give her the “just dump him” speech without sounding like a hypocrite in a “relationship,” but I need to be inside this with Kat for now. Allie will see that later.
Tom isn’t happy about my plan, but he gets it. He just doesn’t think it will work and that I’m going to fuck things up with Allie and Jadon.
I’m going to fight like hell not to.
But for Allie’s sake, I get I played a part in Ted’s “perfect boyfriend” malfunction, but I know she romanticized that entire ordeal because of a long history and supposed friendship. Big fucking deal—not everyone needs to end up with their childhood crush. Besides, his face is one-hundred percent just plain douche.
The summer is ending, and school is about to start. I’m not one step closer to cornering Kat’s dad. He’s been out of town on business trips—conveniently. However, we are having dinner with Kat’s parents soon, and I’m going to make my move then.
So until then, I’m dragging my feet around different stores, checking my phone more often than I should, waiting to see if Allie is responding to my texts.
“…and my mom suddenly needs me to drive her around everywhere since my dad is gone.” Kat’s been complaining about having to help her mom out with simple tasks lately.
What the hell did I ever see in her? Nevermind. Best not to answer that.
I think I just wasn’t paying attention to the important things before.
It’s how I ended up here.