Page 72 of Say You'll Stay
Kat may say she finds enjoyment in things like “window shopping,” but she doesn’t know the meaning of it. She sees things in windows and immediately makes a purchase. She does not understand the concept of not spending money constantly on frivolity.
And she is a well-known patron here at Westgate Mall.
She pulls me toward one store with the effort offull steam ahead,but something catches my eye. Rather,someone.
Ted’s blond head is something of a standout to me these days.
And right now, he’s standing out on some patio bistro with not-Allie over dumplings.
What the hell?
“Lucas, come on,” Kat whines. “Let’s go.”
Ted doesn’t see me, but I sure as hell see him, all right. The woman with red hair definitely doesn’t look dressed for lunch with a friend.
But also, if he wasn’t being dirty, he wouldn’t have driven an hour away to have lunch, I’m sure.
Kat yanks my arm with the strength of a damn lion into the store. I couldn’t say what it is, since my focus is on the guy playing footsies under the table.
Is he seriously on an actual date? He sure looks comfortable with her—ah, there it is. She’s feeding him and giggling. He’s smiling back at her and engaging in whatever conversation they’re having.
Emotions blend together in me. Excitement at his stupidity, the victorious feeling like I’m one step ahead of him, but then there’s dread knowing he’s going behind her back.
Is it revenge on Allie for what happened?
Not that I want him to call Allie or have anything to do with Jadon, but this guy hasn’t technically broken up with her. She’s at home studying for some final exam and he’s locking googly eyes with another woman.
For a second, I tear my gaze from the bistro to make sure Kat is doing what I suspect. Yep, she’s got some part-timer following her around with a pile of clothes over her arms.
And I’m going to do it. I’m going to tell Allie.
Lucas:How’s studying?
Subtle. I like it. But should I break it to her over a text? No… no. But I already sent it—
Allie:Fine. Do you need something?
Yeah, a time machine where I could go back to eighteen and do this right from the start. Not have to deal with this crap, but I need to move past that.
Lucas:Just shopping. I don’t need anything. Do you?
God, I sound desperate.Be fucking cool, Lucas. You might hurt this girl’s heart if you have to tell her.
Allie:I’m good.
Ever the conversationalist, Allie. Thanks for making things easy.
Lucas:You hear from Ted?
I glance over and he’s got the girl’s fingers in his hand. Oh, he’s a charmer, isn’t he? From what Allie has said, he can never seem to get off his damn phone with her because of “work.”
She doesn’t respond for a minute and I contemplate calling her before a text eventually pops up.
Allie:No. Tried calling again. No answer.
I’m so screwed up over this girl, I can’t decide if I want to confront him out in the open or let him get caught.
Do I tell her now or later?