Page 88 of Say You'll Stay
Allie:Charity is here, but she’s leaving to go out with some guy.
“Fix it and get her and the runt out of my hair. Whatever you need to do to get her away from him, I’ll manage it for you. He’ll be knee deep in wedding planning with Katrina and if I offer her full trust to her in exchange for grandchildren, she’ll keep him busy. But I won’t lose him in the process.”
“You could have told me he was the father, Mark. You knew all along and you didn’t say anything.”
“That was never your concern.”
I can’t fucking believe this.
They don’t stay much longer, and once they are gone, I take pictures of the entire file before sending them off to Joel so he can start whatever he needs to.
I’m not even saying goodbye to Kat in person. I’m especially not saying my goodbyes to Mark.
I slip out of the house and head for my car and send off a text to Allie before leaving this damn place. I have the file, and she is going to get a look at it tonight.
She’s going to see why Ted is the wrong choice and why I did this for her and for Jadon.
Lucas:I’m on my way.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this. You’re supposed to be the one talking me into just being single.” For crying out loud, that was her idea in the first place.
I have lost my few wits about me or something. Charity gave me too much to drink, and I just know this is a terrible idea. Her brilliant plan is to corner Lucas and get him to make his decision, and if he chooses me, everything is supposed to be fine.
We’re morons.
I should learn not to drink with this woman. She bleached her hair again and got the shortest haircut I’ve ever seen on her. Shoulder length. It works on her, especially with her firecracker personality.
“You let me talk you into anything. It’s why I’m your life coach. I should start billing you.”
Charity is my best friend and even though things with her brother aren’t exactly what either of us expected them to be, I’m happy to still have her by my side. I asked her if she felt like she had to choose and she shrugged it off, saying he was a dick for ignoring my feelings as long as he did.
I haven’t told her about him grabbing me, but it’s not a big deal. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt me. Plus, I think it was just a very emotional time for the both of us. As much as I was likely a touch hysterical, he was probably heartbroken, too.
I’m not excusing him, just trying to understand his side the way I should have with Lucas.
She doesn’t know about his ring either. I had an idea he wanted to get married, but to save for something like that means he must have saved for a long time. I can understand why he’s upset.
However, it changes nothing. The way Ted spoke about Jadon, after everything these past few years, is where I draw the line. I don’t care that Jadon was never planned, but he is a child and his using that word toward him is an automatic ejection from our lives.
“My brother is a big ass, Allie, especially for calling little Jadon the unspeakable dirty word. I think we should rule out Lucas just in case, too, because he dates spoiled rich girls. Then, you can come live with me and we’ll take the world head-on. Sound good?”
She says this while she is going through my closet since she has a date with some guy she met while buying the wine on her way over here. He is a fireman and I’m keeping my mouth shut about it because she has a thing about men with regular jobs that actually pay.
Charity has mingled with artists, musicians, and, most recently, a street magician. He disappeared, and she said he probably learned real magic or something. So her date with a fireman raises questions I will never have answered.
She’s established a mountainous pile of dresses on my floor after throwing them over her shoulder while she looks for something to wear. She says they’re too “Pollyanna” for her taste. Whatever that means.
“Do you mind if I fix this one?” She holds up a blue dress that she gave me last summer. I have yet to wear it because it’s too short and shows off the boobs a bit too much. This was after we had a moment of what she so nicely called “tit cupping” and tried to tell me I was nuts about dwelling on the size difference of my breasts. She laughed at my argument and told me a guy would never notice and it was my fault Jadon had a preference when he was an infant.
“You can keep it.”
I’d rather not hold on to a dress I will never wear just to have my boobs fall out. I would just die.
Charity leaves the room for a minute and comes back with scissors and proceeds to shorten the already too-short hemline.