Page 89 of Say You'll Stay
“I’m going to test him,” she says while trimming whatever the fabric is. “If he doesn’t leave her now, it’s obvious he’s not going to. Then we have our answer.”
I watch while she waltzes over to her purse and pulls out a—“Charity!” I jump back on my bed when I see it. “Why do you have a gun?” I have to shout through whispers which is really conflicting right now, but I don’t need Jadon or my dad waking up and hearing.
As if it’s lip gloss or something, she carelessly whips it to the side with a scoff. “I lived in the city, Allie, don’t freak out. It’s not even loaded.”
“So, what? Are you planning to tell gang bangers to wait while you load it? Are youinsane? Forget why you have that in the first place and tell me why you wouldn’t even have the bullets!”
“Chill, Allie. Damn, you’re so uptight. It’s enough to scare off the muggers and stuff when I need to. Now that I’m moving back here, I won’t need it. But I’ll be the bad guy and hold it to Lucas’s head and make him decide right here and now what he’s going to do. I’m so over this little Allie and Lucas-fucking-Kennedy saga. Either he sticks it in a hole and you get over the past, or he fucks off with the gremlin twat.”
God, she’s something else. Muggers and “stuff.” Yeah, she’s a regular Al Capone, alright.
“I don’t even know where to begin with you. Maybe tell me where you found that gun.”And forget talking about Lucas shoving things in holes.
She crams it back into her purse and strips out of her stretchy pants and into the dress. “Bought it off a guy on the street.”
“Are you serious?” Is that how we’re doing things? Did I miss something in the world? Lucas thinks he’s some kind of detective about to solve a case and now Charity buys guns off of strange people on the streets.
What happened to us all? We used to watchHannah Montanain our pajamas and fluffy rainbow slippers. It was not even that long ago.
She arches a brow at me like always. “Yes, Allie, we have—”
The sound of tires in the driveway shuts us both up, and the headlights that shine in the darkness forces us both to freeze. It’s Lucas.
I suddenly have to pee.
“Quick! Get dressed!”
She rolls her eyes and does whatever she’s going to do while I mistakenly catch myself in the mirror. I was supposed to clean myself up, and instead I look like a slob. My hair is in a dumb bun and I need to wash my face or something. On top of it all, there’s a stain on my shirt from dinner.
She peers out the window. “Damn, he’s in a suit and everything, too. He was really looking forward to this invite from you.”
“What?” A suit! “Give me the dress.”
Without hesitation, she takes the dress off while I probably sound like a rabid dog stuck inside during a thunderstorm. I bang into my dresser while trying to pull the damn dress over my head. Because I am a frantic, buzzed idiot, I don’t think to tear off the sports bra I have on until after I figure out the straps on the dress.
“I’ll just take this one,” Charity says, and the front door opens as I kick Charity’s dress pile into my closet.
“Allie?” Lucas calls from downstairs and I just know he’s going to wake everyone up.
Charity and I stare at one another with wide eyes. “Allie, hurry.”
Lucas’ footsteps are not so quiet coming up the stairs. Each thump twists my gut a little while we rush to fix my room so I don’t look like I live in a disaster normally. Charity has the brainpower of Einstein to lean against the door while she gets into a pair of heels.
Lucas knocks on my door, and I am about to lose my damn mind. “Allie?”
“One second!”
I have lip gloss somewhere, I think. I have to. It’s necessary because... well, I don’t know, but it just is.
“In my purse,” Charity snaps her fingers and points while I dive for her purse. I avoid the illegal weapon—since fingerprints and all—and swipe on her gloss.
“Just one second!”
He tries the handle, and the door shakes a little, but Charity is a damn rock right now, even in six-inch heels. She put another dress on that I think looks better on her, anyway.