Page 28 of Shadows Approach
Tranis was bulky and muscular, similar to Lokmi, the biggest member of Clan Piras. His beard was neatly trimmed. It and a few creases at the corners of his eyes lent maturity to features that looked younger than Hope thought should belong to someone who’d been around long enough to become a fleet admiral.
He was handsome and would have been more so but for the cold expression he wore. It was beyond cold…something in the way he gazed at Piras hinted at aversion, possessing none of the grudging respect with which Piras often spoke of him.
Hope had the irrational urge to step in front of Piras, an instinct to defend her much more fight-capable clanmate.
Tranis said, “Good evening, Piras. Moving in, I see. Have you already seen your quarters? Are they acceptable?”
They slowed as they came close, coming to a halt. Hope stared at Tranis in confusion. It wasn’t his bland, unemotional tone matching neither his simmering stare or polite inquiries that puzzled her. He spoke in two voices. One was deep. The second was a strange, rasping hiss.
Piras also seemed taken off guard. “I have seen them, and they’re quite satisfactory. Is everything…are you all right?”
“Perfectly fine. How are you?”
As Tranis spoke/hissed, Lokmi muttered to Kila, “What the hell is on his back?”
“What are you talking about? Better put your load down. You’re seeing things.”
They’d talked so quietly, Hope barely heard them. Tranis’ startled gaze flickered to them. The next instant, he collapsed.
Chapter Eight
The admiral lost consciousness so suddenly, Hope and the rest gaped at the senseless man for a full second. Hope had the vague impression of a small shadow behind Tranis scuttling around the corner, but her attention was captured by the fact a man had dropped to the ground with no warning whatsoever.
“Shit!” Kila swore, and Hope heard belongings hitting the ground behind her.
Dr. Hadlez reached Tranis first, who was already stirring. He blinked at the Imdiko, who said, “Admiral, please don’t move. Have you been feeling dizzy or faint recently?”
“I…what happened?” He stared at the group surrounding him. The hissing voice was gone. Tranis’ tone was a normal deep timbre.
“You collapsed, sir.” Hadlez’s portable medical scanner, which Hope had never seen him without even when he was off duty, appeared in his hand. The medic waved it over Tranis.
“Huh. Low blood sugar.”
Piras knelt next to him. “When was the last time you ate, Tranis?”
“Dinner.” He reddened. “Are you telling me Ifainted?”
“That’s what it looks like.” Hadlez clicked the scanner off and stared at Tranis. “How have you been feeling lately?”
“Fine. I…” he trailed off, his tone uncertain. “Well, the last couple of hours are kind of, of fuzzy. I talked on the com after dinner to Admiral Hobato, but I don’t quite remember what was said. Was I supposed to meet him? I think I was heading his way when I saw you.”
Selt appeared startled. “It sounds similar to what happened to me on Bi’is.”
“The rest of the away team reported a similar issue. You all had issues with temporary low blood sugar.” Hadlez frowned at Kila. “Sir, I realize we’re supposed to be settling into our parttime quarters here on the station, but a full medical workup should be done of our entire crew, as well as Admiral Tranis.”
“Do it.” Kila didn’t hesitate. “Should we quarantine?”
“I took blood samples of the away team and nothing tested as off. Certainly nothing suggesting they’d been ill. I saw no reason to trigger quarantine protocol.”
“What about the weird voice effect? Did anyone else have that too?” Hope asked.
Blank looks greeted her question. “Weird voice effect?” Piras asked.
“You didn’t hear it? When Admiral Tranis spoke, it was as if he had two different voices at once. It stopped as soon as he woke up.”
“I heard nothing of the sort. Captain? Doctor?”
Everyone, including Selt and Lokmi, shook their heads. Hadlez raised his scanner again. “Admiral Piras?”