Page 29 of Shadows Approach
“Of course.”
“Oh, come on,” Hope spluttered as the doctor waved it in front of her. “I feel perfectly fine. I know what I heard.”
“Scanner’s picking up nothing odd. Including her blood sugar. It’s normal, for a human.” Hadlez was obviously perplexed.
Tranis climbed to his feet. “Except for feeling tired, I’m fine now.”
“You’re getting a medical workup,” Piras said in his most aggressive tone.
“You’re no longer my commanding officer.” Tranis’ brows lowered. “I’m due to go home in a couple of days. I’ll have blood work before I leave and see if anything shows up, but—”
“I may not be your commanding officer, but I know your Nobek. I’ll…” Piras paused and glanced at a glowering Kila. “I’ll have Doctor Hadlez send him a report of your collapse, along with the need to be certain you weren’t affected by any infection we might have brought from Bi’is.”
The men glared for a few seconds, then Tranis relented. “Fine, Admiral. I’ll go to Medical and have labs done.”
“Thank you, Admiral.”
Hope waited to comment until Tranis had left for Medical, Hadlez accompanying him. “Woof. To have been a fly on the wall when you guys served on the same ship.”
Piras sighed. “I’m glad you weren’t. I wasn’t at my best then. Let’s drop this stuff off, and I’ll log an incident report.” He glanced at Lokmi, who’d decided to pile his belongings on the hover cart Selt and Hadlez had been using. “At least you’re finally showing some sense.”
“Kila dropped his load first. I won.”
Their Nobek spluttered. “The hell you did! I set my shit down to assist Admiral Tranis!”
“Before I did. I won.”
Piras put his arm around Hope and nudged their hover cart forward as their clanmates yelled at each other. “Such an auspicious start to our new lives. Tell me again why we’re returning to civilization?”
* * * *
Alpha Space Station, command deck
“This is a station matter, and therefore, a Kalquorian Empire matter.” Kuran increased his speed, hoping to dissuade the woman trotting at his heels as he hurried to the conference room near Operations.
“Your station is orbiting my planet. Your assignment is to me and my world, yet you’ve been called in to be advised of an incident that occurred here. It sounds to me like an Earth matter. As its governor, I have a right to know what’s going on.” Stacy sped up to match his long strides.
“The short story is an admiral’s blood sugar dipped, and he collapsed. He’s being looked at by Medical. If there’s anything else, I can report it to you.”
“Or, since I’m already on the station, I can meet your Admiral Piras and get the story myself.” She smiled brightly at him when he glanced at her.
Kuran admired her tenacity and determination to do her job to the best of her ability. However, if Piras decided to act like the asshole he was so famous for being, if he aimed his asshole-ishness in her direction, she’d see a side of Kuran he’d rather she didn’t.
“Governor, please…” he groaned, imagining her horror when she saw him stomp Piras into a blood puddle.
“Ah, good. I agree it would be best to make this an official visit. Admiral Piras can’t very well object to my attendance then.”
Kuran walked faster. Stacy jogged, her smile still in place but cast in a stubborn light.
* * * *
Stacy beamed at the handsome, strong-jawed Dramok Kuran introduced her to. “Admiral Piras, it’s an honor.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Governor Nichols.” Piras bowed deeply to her.
“It sounds as if they’ve tossed a bucketful of trouble at you, and you’ve barely managed to set foot on the station.”
His answering grin held no hint of unhappiness at her presence. Indeed, the man was sheer politeness and consideration as he showed her to a chair at the conference table. This was Kalquor’s infamous Terror of the Fleet?