Page 65 of Shadows Approach
Piras shrugged at the challenge. “No, and we prefer it that way. This mission isn’t to undermine Earth, Kuran. It’s to keep it in the hands of leaders like Stacy Nichols, who hope to build a productive and safe society for their people. If the majority of Earthers are happy with their lives, then they won’t go looking for trouble…on or off their planet.”
Kuran mused over the situation. He couldn’t imagine Stacy doing anything to warrant him reporting on her to Fleet Command. She was happy to work with Kalquor and the Galactic Council of Planets.
Most importantly, it gave him the option to keep her safer than if he were a mere bodyguard.
Can I do this and not tell her?
It wouldn’t be as bad as the work Piras had been forced into in order to save the empire. It wasn’t as if Kuran was sending hundreds of loyal men to their deaths. He’d be able to stay close to the woman he loved.
“I’ll do it,” he said.
“Excellent. I’ll set up a time to brief you and your team on the details of your assignment.”
* * * *
Earth II
“You wished to see me, Governor?”
Stacy smiled at Bryant, whom her new secretary showed in. “Come in, Ken. Thank you for granting my request for a private conversation.”
The secretary exited and closed the door. Bryant strode to the chair across the desk from Stacy. His expression was quizzical and cautious. “I can’t resist the curiosity of a mysterious summons.”
“I’m sorry if it sounded cloak and dagger. I simply wished to inform you before anyone else of my current position on a sensitive topic. Despite us being probable opponents for the election, we’re currently partners in this executive branch.”
He sat and gazed at her. “I’m all ears.”
She dived in. “I’m seeing Kuran’s clan romantically. I support Earth replacing him as our security head, as it’s the correct route to take. I’m fully behind our independence from outside sources. However, where my personal life is concerned, I’ll conduct it as I have the right to. Also, my shuttle was sabotaged two days ago. It wasn’t a life-threatening concern, but I took it as a warning. As our people populate this wonderful planet created for us, I could face severe consequences for my relationship.”
He blinked at the rapid-fire clip of her statements. She gave him a moment to mull them over.
“That’s quite a lot to take in. Excuse me if I’m at a loss while I clarify what you’ve told me. You’re pursuing a relationship with Kuran’s clan?”
“Many will consider you compromised toward extended Kalquorian involvement in our affairs.”
“I agree. I brought the need to remove Nobek Kuran from our security force to the committee and cabinet for that very reason. I’d weighed the option of making him my private personal bodyguard, as is my prerogative, but I’ve decided against it.”
“It’ll still be a factor. People won’t believe you aren’t welcoming Kalquorian intervention in our affairs. You know how much they’d prefer to put aside any association with those who destroyed our first planet.”
“The majority aren’t anti-Kalquorian, Ken. The polls are adamant where that’s concerned.”
“The numbers can change. Kalquor invaded, and our planet was destroyed.”
“Our destruction was put in place by our own leaders. They were the ones who decided we were better off dead than defeated.”
“And some who’ll be living here agree.”
Stacy refused to be drawn further into a useless debate. “Kalquor assumed responsibility for what happened. They took the lead in giving us a home planet. We can argue we don’t owe them, given how the war ended, but we do owe the Galactic Council of Planets. Kalquor put up the lion’s share of the money, but it was the GC that granted us our new Earth.”
“A valid point, but we’re getting off the subject, unless the GC has some bearing on you dating a clan.”
“My dating a clan is fodder for the hardliners, but it’s a small part of what they oppose. They don’t wantanyalien influence on our world. They’d retreat to the isolationism that characterized what was wrong with our society before the war.” Stacy sighed. “Like it or not, we’re part of an intergalactic community, which did a huge amount of work to give us a fresh start. We have to remain involved with our neighbors, not because they wish us to, but because it's forourgreater good.”
He regarded her for a few beats. “It’s a risky proposition for you, especially if you’re coming under attack. Is it worth it? Beyond the election, is it worth your life?”
“If I cave to what amounts to terrorism, it sets a bad precedent. I won’t give terrorists an inch, because they won’t be content no matter what we offer. Compromise with such people is out of the question.” She looked him in the eye. “Do you prefer a return to life as it was on Earth? Do you wish to live under the thumb of a totalitarian government run by fanatics to whom the rules didn’t apply? A society in which mere suspicion of normal human nature could lead to a death sentence?”