Page 66 of Shadows Approach
His gaze was unwavering. “What happens if you lose the election and someone less bold takes your place?”
It was her main worry, but as Rihep had observed, the future wasn’t hers to decide. All she had was the moment she was living. “Until then, I’m in charge. Anyone who comes after me would do well to remember it. The harder they fight me, the more defenses I’ll mount. I am a fortress, and I won’t back down.”
When Bryant left, he closed the door behind him at her request. Stacy sighed and sank deep in her chair. She switched on the anti-bugging device on her desk. “What do you think?”
Kuran unphased in front of her. It was startling, though she’d expected it. He grinned when she jumped, then sobered. “You spoke well, with strength and courage. Your detractors will have to respect you if nothing else.”
“What was your assessment of his reaction?”
“He keeps his feelings close to the vest. He seemed concerned, but whether it’s because of your commitment to your path or for you personally, I couldn’t tell. For all we know, he might worry your maintaining a relationship with a clan will reflect badly on him as your lieutenant. He might be concerned about his chances for election.” Kuran shrugged.
“I was surprised he didn’t put up more of an argument. Then again, if he runs against me, I handed him plenty to oppose.” Her chuckle was rueful.
“I guess it’s a question of us waiting and seeing.” Kuran checked the time and inserted an audio monitor in his ear. “I have a meeting with my officers. I’ll be just down the hall and listening in on you if trouble pops up. Make sure you turn the blocker off.”
“It’s double duty for you until we get a new security chief. I wish I could pay you for the bodyguard detail, but since you insist on doing it under the radar—”
“Fleet Command is glad to keep the leader of Earth safe. Even if they weren’t, I’d be happy to work for sex once you find my replacement as security head.” He winked.
“You’d better not feel that way about my successor if I lose the election.”
“Well, if she’s pretty…” he laughed and disappeared. The pen she’d thrown at him sailed through the space he’d occupied an instant before.
* * * *
Kalquor, Fleet Headquarters
“Door, closed and locked.”
Rear Admiral Hobato activated the audio masking device on his desk. He had no intention of speaking out loud, but mistakes happened in a new environment. It was best to be cautious.
He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, shutting out the well-appointed office and its walls full of accolades and prized mementos.
I am one with the All.
The All hear you.The great voice answered, though he had to strain to hear it. He was weak in his separation, and the All so far away.
Those with me have gone to claim those in positions of power throughout the galaxy. I have control of the Kalquorian who leads their war space fleet. I give you what I’ve learned.
It is good. More will join you soon.There was a pause.There has been an occurrence.
I have heard of the setback. Someone sent a message from the ship we claimed. It was worded in a way that defied understanding, but the Kalquorians who know are alarmed. I cannot block the investigation without calling attention to myself.
The ship we claimed was destroyed. Atoms of the All on board are returning to us. Our mounts were killed. In death, they do not speak of what they know.
It is good.
We learned a matter of importance. There are those who detect us when they are phased. One to five percent of the Kalquorians may have this ability. You must be aware of such anomalies.
None here use the device which allows them to infect our realm. We aren’t seen.
We are coming. Continue to study and report. When we attack, we will possess the information we need to eliminate the invaders.
Death to the invaders and those who would follow them.
It is good.
Hobato opened his eyes. He gazed again at his office, which would be erased with Kalquor, the Galactic Council, and their plague of separate entities who knew nothing of the All.