Page 87 of A True Mate Bond
“If what I’ve been told is true and you’re carrying girls, I’ll keep them and grow them until they can bear their own children.” He grinned possessively. “My children.”
With no further explanation he left, closing, and locking the door behind him. Niev fell to her knees and gagged, throwing up everything that was left in her stomach. Tears ran down her cheeks, her body violently shaking in fear and pain before she lost consciousness, and the darkness sucked her in.
A Trace of Silver
Blake shut off the wood saw, wrapping up his work for the day. He and Tristan had skipped their lunch break to be able to get some work done on Tristan’s house. He was walking out of the warehouse when Seth ran toward him, his face full of pain, disbelief, and so much worry it was painful to look at.
“Shift and follow me,” he shouted before his clothes shred into pieces and his large black wolf emerged.
Without any further thought, Blake did as he was told and let his wolf take control. Seth zipped by him just as Blake’s paws hit the ground.
Seth’s mind was already open and waiting for him. ‘It’s Niev, she’s been attacked.’
Blake’s paws moved faster to catch up to Seth. At first, Blake didn’t want to believe his brother. Niev was safe in the village–who would attack her there? Sadly, Seth wasn’t lying. His words and emotions were true.
Before Blake could ask, Seth continued as they sprinted through the woods. ‘We don’t know much. Kai spread the word through Callum’s young wolf. No one else was in their wolf form. Callum went straight to Father, but it was already too late. By that time Kai was already dead. Father is on his way to your old cabin now–where the attack took place.’
Instinctively, Blake searched for Niev’s mind like he would with any other wolf of his pack. He’d hoped that his bond would connect her like it connected him with the other wolves, but he couldn’t feel her. His heart began to race, his blood boiling in anger.
‘She’ll be fine,’Seth said, more so to himself.
Blake sped up even more and left Seth behind him, his muscles starting to burn from the strain of his run. He needed to get to Niev, needed to be by her side, afraid his heart would stop beating if anything happened to her and the twins. He broke through trees onto the highway and quickly crossed it. His father always told everyone to be cautious about these things but in the moment, his only worry was Niev. If Kai was dead, the best fighter his pack knew, then Niev was in great danger.
With Seth close behind, Blake breached the tree line and ran down the dirt road that would lead him to his old home. Panting and out of breath, with his muscles aching, he slowed down as the cabin came into view. His neck fur stood as he walked closer, the stench of blood and death creeping up his nose.
What he saw was gruesome. Kai’s wolf was shredded into pieces, flesh ripped apart and bones shattered, his lifeless body laying in a pool of blood. Julius’s human body was laying a few feet away, his head turned 180 degrees, his neck broken. He too was laying in a pool of blood, his body ripped in two. Blake hadn’t particularly liked Julius, but he didn’t deserve to die. Blake frantically looked around for Niev. He could faintly smell her, but her scent seemed old. Panic started to rise.
His father’s black wolf was inspecting the bodies and looked up as Blake and Seth came closer. ‘We are still looking for Niev. We were tracking her down, but Bill lost her scent a few miles down the road.’
Bill was their best tracker. He had the finest nose in the pack and had found perfection in his gift over his lifespan. It worried Blake even more that he was having trouble finding her.
Blake could feel Seth’s mind working. ‘If he’s tracking her on the road that means she has been taken by car.’
‘Yes, we believe so,’his father agreed.
Niev was gone and that realization hit him full force, pain radiating through his heart and breaking it into a million pieces. His wolf was distraught, and Blake could feel him losing control. His anger grew into rage, his animalistic instincts grew stronger as his wolf pushed aside all human thought. He could feel his mind close off as Seth and his father tried to connect with him.
His wolf was going mad needing his mate, wanting to destroy everything and everyone until he had her by his side again. Blake’s human was pushed further aside as his wolf’s fury gained strength, taking over every aspect of his mind. Blake struggled for control, needing his wolf to calm down to be able to find Niev. His mind automatically painted a picture of her walking down the aisle with tears of joy running down her cheeks, her face radiating true love. His wolf saw the picture too and for a moment, the split second was distraction enough for Blake to take over control and quickly shift.
This time it burned, just as bad as it had with his first shift. His wolf fought him, but Blake was in control, forcing his wolf to retreat and giving him back his human shape. Out of breath and strength, with his muscles shivering, Blake fell to the ground on all fours. His father and Seth shifted and were by his side, kneeling next to him.
“What happened?” His father’s voice had a worried tone.
Blake was still trying to find his breath. “My wolf lost it.” He sat up and concentrated, taking deep, calming breaths. “As soon as he realized Niev was gone he took control. His fury drove him insane.”
“She isn’t gone Blake. Wewillfind her.”
Tears ran down Blake’s cheek as an emptiness spread through his soul, as if half of it was missing. Reaching for his heart, he was looking for words to describe what he was feeling, “I don’t feel her. It’s as if something is missing deep inside me.”
Seth laid his hand on Blake’s shoulder, seemingly speechless as he watched Blake’s strong reaction. His father mirrored Seth’s actions and laid his hand on Blake’s other shoulder as if he wanted to give him support and strength through the single touch.
“Breathe, son. We have our best men searching for her. She’s strong, she’ll fight. And she knows we’re coming for her.”
Blake nodded, but his tears just kept running down his cheeks, his mind and soul still trying to comprehend what was happening. His muscles were still weak, shaking from the fight that had been his shift. Three wolves broke through the tree line and froze as they saw the gruesome scene. Tristan was the first to move. He shifted and approached Blake, avoiding the pools of blood surrounding Julius’s and Kai’s bodies.
He kneeled down next to Blake. “What happened? Where is Niev?”
His father answered for him. “Niev was taken. We’re not sure by whom and we’re having trouble tracking them. She seems to be unharmed, but Kai was killed trying to protect her, so was Julius.”