Page 88 of A True Mate Bond
The grief of losing not only his mate but also his friend paralyzed Blake. He felt horrible for not letting his grief for Kai into his heart sooner. His mind had been so occupied with Niev’s kidnapping that he’d pushed aside Kai’s death.
His father continued as he looked from Tristan to Seth. “Stay with Blake. Take him to the main house and make sure he doesn’t shift. Command him if necessary. He can’t shift, his wolf’s mind is clouded.”
Tristan and Seth spoke in unison.
“Yes, Father.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
His father got up and walked toward the wolves, instructing them to take care of Kai and Julius. Blake couldn’t focus his mind properly. The emptiness in his heart and the simultaneous pain that came with the loss he was feeling combined with grieving for his friend completely took over all his functions. His gaze was blurry, tears burning trails down his face.
He felt Seth lean closer, the hand on his shoulder tightening. “Come, Tristan and I will drive you back to the village where Bill and the others will meet us.”
Blake couldn’t answer. He couldn’t move, his muscles unable to comprehend what his mind was trying to make them do. He felt Seth and Tristan pull him to his feet. They guided–rather dragged him to the truck and heaved him into the passenger’s seat. He tensed up as he was hit with Niev’s gorgeous vanilla scent. His wolf awakened, roaring, and growling in the back of his mind, clawing from the inside trying to force the shift.
Blake closed his eyes, his mind focused on shutting his wolf out. The more he fought him the louder he growled within his mind, muting every other sound around him. His claws raked over the inside of his body and it felt as if his wolf was skinning him from the inside, ripping his way out of Blake’s mind. His wolf was about to take control when a sharp pain erupted in Blake’s head and darkness wrapped around him, sending him into unconsciousness.
He was pulled out of the darkness by low voices and someone patting his forehead with a wet cold cloth. At first, he thought it was Niev caring for him, but he couldn’t scent her.
“Blake, my love. I’m right here,” his mother softly whispered nearby.
“Mother, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. Blake isn’t himself right now. His wolf is far too strong for him to control.”
“He is my son, Seth, and he’s in pain. I’ll stay by his side and comfort him to the best of my ability.”
“Not even my command was able to stop his wolf from taking over.”
“And what do you suggest we do? Tie him up, and leave him all alone with his pain and grief? None of us know how deep this bond ties Niev and him together. This might be pure torture for him and you just want to leave him all alone?”
“No Mother. Either Tristan or I will stay with him, but it’s too dangerous for you to be here.”
Blake started to move and opened his eyes. He was on the couch in the main house. Sitting next to him on a chair, his mother patted his forehead with a cold cloth. His vision was still blurry, his head pounding.
“What happened?”
“You were losing control and your wolf was forcing you to shift. I punched you because you weren’t responding to my commands.”
Blake slowly sat up and looked around. Tristan was outside in his wolf form, his muscles tense, his eyes cautious.
“Where is everyone else?”
“Father is talking to Julius’s and Kai’s families and Bill refuses to return. He’s still trying to track Niev.” Blake tried to stand up, but Seth pushed him back down. “Bill is roaming the human streets. I won’t allow you to leave the territory in your condition–it’s too dangerous.”
“She’s out there Seth, and she needs me.”
“I know she is, and as soon as Bill knows more, we will plan our strategy to get her back. Until then, you need to regain your control. If your body is weak, your wolf will force a shift easier. Eat, rest, and then we can go save Niev.”
Blake didn’t like the idea of sitting around with his wolf impatiently pacing in the back of his mind, looking for a weakness in Blake’s defense so he could take control again. But Seth was right–Blake needed to stay strong in order for his wolf not to take control.
Both Seth and Tristan relaxed, as if they’d been prepared for the worst. His mother on the other hand jumped up, quickly walked to the kitchen, and started to busy herself preparing food. Seth sat next to Blake on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees and rubbing his temples.
Blake was trying to put together the pieces of what he’d known so far, but he couldn’t quite figure it out. How did they lure Niev all the way out to the cabin? Why would she put herself in such danger?
“How could this have happened?”
Blake could hear Tristan shift and Seth took a deep breath before answering, “Tristan said Niev planned to go out to the cabin to fetch a few things you two had left behind. She drove out there with the truck and it seems that she was surprised by two wolves and a man. Callum shared Kai’s last thoughts and images with us. Julius was already dead when Kai arrived, and it seems that he feared for Niev’s life as they’d already killed Julius. He was overpowered, torn up by the wolves and the last picture he saw and shared with Callum was Niev’s unconscious body being thrown into a dark van.”