Page 32 of Toxic Obsession
“Jesus,” I muttered. My father had a sick fetish. Bile rushed up my throat as it sank into my brain that some of the bookmarked pages were of girls in their early teens. My mind reeled as I began taking pictures of his laptop and websites with my phone.
Adam Astor was a perverted shit. Not once had I fucked an underaged chick or checked out porn sites of girls that had barely reached puberty. If I rubbed one out to a video or picture of someone under eighteen, it wasn’t on purpose. Hell, I hadn’t even watched porn since the Black Widow Society had been formed. I had everything I wanted at my fingertips there. I didn’t need to pay for images and videos when I had the real thing.
Once I finished collecting proof, including the details of Adam’s computer that would show he visited the sites, I continued searching the information Adam had on Wynter. An image of Adam with another man who looked similar to Wynter caught my eye. Was he related to her? If so, how did Adam know him?
The more I stared at the pictures, the more questions I had. I clicked on another file, then my mouth gaped. “What the actual hell?”
I’d tossed and turned the rest of the night after snooping on Adam’s laptop. It wasn’t as if I could confront him about what I’d seen. I would basically be throwing myself under the bus, and I needed to get back into his computer. Tossing my covers off, I sat up on the side of my bed, rubbing my sleep-deprived eyes.
Surely, Adam could explain why he had pictures of Kyler, too. They weren’t just any images, either. Once I’d figured out who Drew, Wynter’s father was, I realized he was the other man in the photos. Then I stumbled on the one with Drew, Adam, and Kyler laughing. What had really freaked me out though were the pictures of Kyler and Bell. I had no fucking clue they knew each other. Granted, Bell and I ran in different circles, but we were close. She confided in me, and I made sure no motherfuckers touched her if she didn’t want it.
I sighed and walked to the bathroom. Maybe a shower would clear my mind enough to talk to Adam. I had to tiptoe around the conversation. No way could I tip him off that I was snooping, or he would change his laptop password. I pondered what to say to him that wouldn’t shine light on the fact that I’d been in his office.
After drying off and dressing in jeans and a basic T-shirt, I slipped on my tennis shoes and made my way downstairs.
The smell of eggs and bacon teased my nose and my stomach growled in agreement.
Entering the kitchen, I spotted Adam at the table drinking his coffee.
“Hey, Lena. It smells really good.”
She offered me a sweet smile. “I can’t send you boys off to school without a proper breakfast.”
Footsteps alerted me to Brody’s presence, and I turned as he joined us. He scooped up a bagel from the plate that Lena had for us on the island.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Brody took a bite of his food, then shoved the piece into his cheek so he could talk. “You’re always gone when I’m home.” A hint of bitterness clung to his words.
“Let’s grab something to eat after practice, then let’s catch up over the weekend.”
“Yeah, sure. Time and place?”
I mentally ran through my schedule for the day. “Four-thirty. I’ll text you the place later.”
“Here, Quinn, Brody.” Lena held up two plates full of food.
I gave her a kiss on the side of her head and took my plate from her.
“I’ve gotta take mine to go,” Brody said. “Early football practice.”
Brody had followed in my footsteps and was the star running back at his high school. It had given him a way to expel the hate and anger about Adam using him as a punching bag when he was young. Not to mention, the loss of Bell had left Brody bitter and broken. As she got older, she was the glue that held us all together. Mom’s death had devastated the family, but we kids had actually lost both parents because Adam turned into an abusive bastard.
I pulled the chair back, then sat at the table. “Adam.” I shoved a piece of bacon into my mouth before I grabbed my fork and dove in.
“Quinn.” His tone was sharp, warning me to tread lightly.
“Rough night? You seem a bit cranky.” I smirked.
Lena placed a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice in front of me, and I took a sip while I waited for Adam’s response.
Adam folded the newspaper he had his nose in, then set it next to his plate. “What can I do for you?” His voice was matter of fact, lacking any compassion for me. It wasn’t anything unusual, but every once in a while, it still unnerved me.
I reminded myself that I had dirt on him and could probably put the fucker in prison, but I needed him first. Deciding to cut to the chase, I leaned in and propped my elbow on the table. “Where did you get all of the details on Wynter?” I asked in a hushed voice so Lena wouldn’t over hear me.
Irritation flickered across his face. “It doesn’t matter.”