Page 33 of Toxic Obsession
“It does.”
Pans clanged behind me, reminding me that Lena was still there. “I’m happy to eat my breakfast in your office.” I held his gaze and stared a hole through the soulless son of a bitch.
He huffed but picked up his plate. “Ten minutes is all you have.”
I quirked a brow at him, then gathered my food. Without a word, we left the kitchen and walked down the hall to his office. To my surprise, the door was open. He always locked it even when he was gone for only a short amount of time. I waltzed into the room as if I owned the house and everything he touched. If I didn’t, he’d look for my weak spot and catch me off guard.
He already knows your weak spot. It’s Wynter.Nearly tripping over my feet as the words whispered through my mind, I righted myself before my food went flying.Where the hell did that come from?
Adam settled into his executive chair and steepled his fingers together, staring at me.
I chomped on another piece of bacon, trying to shake the voice in my head as I sat in one of the black leather chairs in front of him.
“I gathered the information from different places. The police report I was able to get because of Bell. The pictures are all over the internet. She’s a whore.” Adam leaned forward and tapped his fingers against his desk.
The little hairs rose on the back of my neck and my entire body bristled at his words.She’s not a whore. At least not yours.Adam had no idea I’d already claimed her at the society.
“And the letters?”
A wicked smile curved his lips. “A nice touch, huh?”
“Where did you get them?”
“Can I trust you to keep your fucking mouth shut?” He took a bite of his food, waiting for me to answer.
“Of course.”Not.
“I knew Drew Baldwin. We worked together. After …” Dad took a deep breath, tears welling in his eyes. “He got fired. His last day at work, he left his personal belongings. Once he was gone, I searched his office and located a box filled with some of Kyler’s belongings. It was too difficult to look at the contents then. That was almost five years ago. When Wynter showed up at Whitmore, I decided to look through the box. That’s when I saw the letters.”
“Why weren’t they opened?” I rested my plate in my lap, watching him intently.
“I opened them very carefully, then made copies and resealed the envelopes. At the time I wasn’t sure if I was going to give them to you. They’re pretty revealing, but then they just stop without the rest of what happened.”
After years of studying Adam, I knew the clench of his jaw, the fidget of his hands, and every other telltale sign that he was hiding something. I saw nothing. He was being honest.
“I’ve not finished them.”
“You should. It shows that Wynter and Kyler were close. She could have changed the course of what happened.”
I shook my head. “After five years, we still can’t say it out loud.” My attention dropped to my shoes, a knife piercing my heart and twisting. Soon, Wynter would have her wish and I would bleed out on the floor because the memories and her presence would fucking kill me.
Adam released a heavy sigh. “The sooner Wynter is gone from Whitmore, the sooner we can move on with our lives. That’s the only job you have other than going pro.”
“I’m working on both of those.”
“Work faster.” He looked at his watch. “I have a meeting.”
“Okay.” I stood and left, ready to dig into the rest of those letters. I needed to know what Adam meant by Kyler’s notes just stopping. What had changed?
A niggling feeling crept down my spine as I hurried to my room. Fuck class. I had to find out what happened. But before I lost myself in a dark world of memories, I decided I couldn’t wait any longer. Removing my phone from my back pocket, I pulled up Gabby’s number.
Hey, do you have Wynter’s number? I want to ask her out.
Within seconds, the grey dots began to bounce with Gabby’s reply.
Oh, that’s exciting! Let me ask her if it’s okay to share. And yeah, I be like that. LOL.
I groaned. Why did Gabby have to be one of those people that asked someone’s permission first. What if Wynter said no? If I was going to bring Wynter down, then I had to spend time with her and fast, which meant texting often. I had a feeling Adam’s patience would run out soon too.