Page 52 of Stuck With You
‘Considering you work in an establishment that serves alcohol, I’m surprised River hasn’t embarrassed himself in front of you before tonight.’
‘He has. But he’s also a great listener and makes me laugh.’
‘Were you two on a date?’
‘Kind of…’ I pull my coat tighter around me, the crisp night air biting at any exposed skin.
Dylan bellows a laugh. ‘Kind of counts. Welcome to Riverland; you’re off to a rough start.’
I laugh. ‘We were more on what we call an anti-date. I’m engaged.’ I’m inclined to flash a diamond as proof, but I don’t have one. ‘But that’s not going great either, so River is distracting me until I figure some things out.’
‘Ah,’ Dylan says like it all makes sense. ‘The situation sounds very River.’
I wonder what that means. ‘Tell me about him.’
‘About River?’ he asks.
I nod.
‘Oh…’ He smirks. ‘I can tell you all about River. He’s a movie guy, a cameraman, and a producer who shoots commercials and music videos. I think he’s also still working on a documentary about his once-famous mother. He’s obsessed with all things eighties and nineties. He’s overly honest and refuses to “grow up”. He used to date a lot, but they rarely turned into anything serious, though not for his lack of trying. He’s full of quirks and jokes, and it will take just the right woman to love all of him.’
‘Ya think?’
Dylan nods. ‘I know. You chose the right person to distract you from whatever you’re going through because he’s great at lightening the mood. If you need someone to cheer you up, he’s your guy. If you end up in River’s circle, he’ll be the most loyal friend ever. Despite being distracted easily by shiny new things, or his mother requesting his presence at all hours of the day and night, he’ll never let you down when things get tough, and he’s way more normal than his “class clown” exterior portrays. River’s a guy you can count on.’
‘Back up a sec. His once-famous mother? Who’s his mom?’
Surprise fills Dylan’s face. ‘He hasn’t already told you? God, with as much time as he spends with her, I’d have suspected that was the first thing he announced to people. His mom is Penny Candy, the singer. She was big back in the late eighties and nineties, and she’s now trying to make a comeback with River’s help. You ever heard of her?’
My jaw drops, and my steps stop. ‘No. Freaking. Way!’ I say excitedly. Not only have I heard of her, but she was one of my mom’s favorite musicians. Penny Candy albums were always in her visor holder amongst the rest of her teenage faves (Madonna, Mariah Carey, Toni Braxton, Debbie Gibson, etc.). All of them. She grew up as such a super fan that I’ve seen photos of her from the eighties in full Penny Candy style. She would die of excitement right now, knowing this.
‘Are you serious? Penny Candy is River’s mom?’
‘Yeah,’ Dylan says with a curious grin. ‘I’m honestly surprised he didn’t tell you.’
Finally, once the starstruck part of me calms, I start walking again. This is incredible. Wait until Laney finds out!
‘Well, until now, we haven’t spent much time together outside my job, and as I’m only just realizing, I do most of the talking. About myself, it seems.’ I drop my head back against the collar of my fur coat. ‘God, that’s so rude, isn’t it? I hardly ever ask about his life. I always just saw him as a fun customer. Now I’m wondering things about him. Like what the real story is on the whole Caitlin thing.’
This piques Dylan’s attention. ‘He told you about Caitlin but not Penny?’
I nod. ‘He didn’t exactly want to, but we went out for pie recently, and they had a run-in. Besides her being his ex and things ending badly, he wouldn’t elaborate.’
‘Even I don’t know the details of Caitlin. At least not from the horse’s mouth. I once got the hearsay version from Mercy and was told never to mention her name, and I’ve followed instructions.’ The grimace on his face says it’s bad. Like, really bad. Great. Now I have to know.
‘Thanks for walking me,’ I say as we approach different apartment doors.
‘No problem. Good luck with all that,’ he says motioning towards River’s apartment, then disappearing inside his own.
I stare at River’s front door. He said it would be unlocked, but I can’t just walk in; that feels weird.
Tap, tap. I knock lightly twice, then turn the handle. ‘It’s me. Jade Monroe.’
Why am I announcing myself by first and last name like I’m visiting a stranger?
River’s lying on the couch, one foot propped on the armrest; the other leg has flopped off the sofa, and his head rests in his hands behind his head. I set the bag of medical supplies on the counter along with my purse. He’s still not wearing a shirt, so hopefully that’s helping his fever come down because it’s not helping me not take a peak while he’s asleep.
I shake out of my coat, laying it on his couch, then gently rest my hand on his cheek, checking his fever. Still there. Hmmm. What would my mom do? Duh. I need a cool, wet rag. I flip on the light in his bathroom. All his earlier clothes are piled on the floor as if he stripped out of them in a feverish rage. I glance around the room, deciding to get to know him via his possessions. That’s not a crime, is it?