Page 53 of Stuck With You
He’s got a counter full of potions, hair products, and anti-aging cream for men? I set that one back down. Nothing in the medicine cabinet is problematic, so that’s relieving. The top drawer contains condoms of every size, color, and type. Interesting. At least he’s responsible, but isn’t he a hopeful guy thinking he’ll go through those quickly?
After pulling open a few drawers under his sink, I find one full of hand towels and washcloths. I grab two, running them under cold water. One I wring, fold, and put in his fridge for later. The other I lay across his forehead gently. He doesn’t even stir.
He’s right, his ceiling is as boring as mine; I’m laying opposite where he is on his section. Where is Laney? I pull my phone from my pocket to check on Laney.
‘I’m on my way,’ she says instead of saying hello. ‘Is he still alive?’
‘Yeah. But he’s sleeping. Hey.’ I leave the couch, walking to the kitchen island, where I sat the bag from the pharmacy down. ‘What’s better for a fever? Tylenol or Advil?’ I ask, pulling things from the bag. ‘I think I remember Mom using Tylenol for fevers. Pedialyte helps with dehydration in adults, too, right?’
‘Jade.’ Laney says my name seriously. ‘You’ve gone full-on mom with this guy. You like him! I mean, I don’t blame you, he’s hot as fuck, especially compared to Conner, but you’re sort of engaged. Remember?’
‘How could I forget? Everyone reminds me constantly, and I check my phone fifty times a day, hoping he’s said something sweet like he used to before he left, but he’s very business now. Hello, how was your day, is the extent of our conversations and just barely that.’
‘No phone sex?’ She balks.
‘Ugh, dump him already and go for man-bun.’
‘Laney, I can’t. My stupid conscience wants me to figure out what’s wrong first, and I haven’t achieved that yet.’
‘Borrow mine.’
‘You don’t have one,’ I say.
She laughs. ‘Oh yeah. Thank God, I say.’
‘River’s just being a good friend, that’s all.’
Laney laughs. ‘He wants to do you, moron. It’s so obvious he’s into you.’
Right then, he stirs, restlessly turning, then sitting up suddenly with a gasp. The washcloth falls from his head to his stomach, and he looks at it, confused. He glances around the room, his gaze settling on me – more confusion.
‘I gotta go. My patient is awake and possibly delusional. Get here soon, would you? I could use help with this,’ I hiss into the phone, glad I couldn’t focus on her last statement.
‘Hi,’ I say with a wave. ‘I came back. The wet rag was an attempt to get your fever down. How do you feel?’ I sit down next to him, once again placing my hand on the side of his neck.
‘Half dead and a little surprised you didn’t flee when you had the chance. Did everything go okay?’ he asks, more worried about me than he should be, considering he’s sick.
‘Everything was fine. What about you, though? Feeling better?’
‘I’m alive.’
‘I was hoping you would be.’
He laughs to himself. ‘What time is it?’ he asks, brushing his hair back again.
‘It’s way late, and if you want to go to bed, I completely understand.’
He side-eyes me. ‘Truthfully, having someone here is nice. I’ve spent a lot of time alone lately. Mercy and I used to be roommates, but she’s now across the street with Brooks. Plus, no way would she have cared for me like you are. You’re a natural.’
‘I’m doing my best,’ she says. ‘Feel like testing that gag reflex by downing these?’ She shakes a bottle of pills in her hand. ‘They’ll help your head not feel like concrete and possibly bring down your fever.’
‘What if my main symptom is that I feel like ass? Does it help with that?’