Page 57 of Unmasked
“This is yours, Eli,” she says, giving me a silver one.
“Thank you.”
I fit my mask over my face, blinking to get used to it. When I turn to Michel, my stomach flutters. His mask covers the majority of his face, leaving only his mouth, sharp jaw, and those gorgeous eyes visible.
“Have fun tonight, Eli. This is my fantasy world. We can do anything we like here.”
“Sounds amazing.”
He exhales slowly. “I think forcing myself to unglue from your side will be my biggest challenge.”
“Just remember, you’re the one I’m going home with. No one else.”
“I will remember that.”
Michel backs away from me, blowing me a kiss as the Michel lookalikes disperse. The band begins to play, and the servers stack their trays with champagne-filled glasses and bites of food. It’s like a very elegant wedding.
The massive double doors are opened by two ushers and people begin to enter the space, all of them looking around with awe in their eyes. I know Michel invited a lot of people from New Onyx and a several dozen from Neubrook.
I watch, transfixed, as the people flow in, some already with elaborate masks and others accepting the masks offered at the door. All the guests are given name tags, and I realize I don’t have one, but when I go to check, I’m told by Crystal that Michel said I didn’t need one as his co-host.
I find myself preening a bit. I’m on the arm of the most powerful man in town, not to mention the hottest one. Not too shabby. After the year I had, it’s a damn good upgrade.
A waiter appears to offer me a drink, so I take it, then stroll through the space, people-watching. I notice right away that the name tags are printed in green ink for the locals and black ink for those from the city. Michel doesn’t miss a detail.
Hovering near the band, I shift my gaze around the room, watching all the interactions like a non-sexual voyeur. A lot of people gravitate to the Michel clones, engaging them in conversation with all the expected fake laughs. Women touch the men’s hands or arms, while the men clamor for their attention in conversation. I scan the room on the lookout for the real man, finding him also in conversation with a few men around him. I’ve never seen those guys, so I figure they must be from the city. Even with masks on, I can tell from the way they carry themselves that they aren’t local.
Michel glances up and over at me, then smiles, gesturing for me to join him. I walk over, knowing people are watching me and resisting the urge to touch Michel and blow his cover.
“Eli, I wanted you to meet my new friends from the city. This is Yves, Syn, and Thorn Orpheus.”
I shake the hands all the men offer. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“You too,” Thorn says in a way that makes me feel like I’m on his dinner menu. I take a step toward Michel instinctively, avoiding Thorn’s predatory gaze.
Michel’s smile slips. “Eli is my most treasured joy in life.” His tone is hard and cold. “He’s not available for anyone else.”
Thorn nods, his eyes reflecting understanding. “I see you are a fortunate man in many areas of your life, Michel.”
“I am indeed.”
The tension between the men makes me curious what kind of friendship this is. “Are you enjoying yourselves so far?” I ask, hoping to shift the mood.
The one named Syn nods with a big smile. “This is fancy shit. I love it. It reminds me of days long ago.”
“It really does,” Yves says. Even with his face mostly covered, he stands out with his stature, composure, and the black mask against his pale skin. “Such a throwback to a different time. How did you come up with the idea?”
Michel chuckles, his energy shifting to a more relaxed state. “Television, ironically. I was watching a show about vampires and they had an exquisite ball that ended in the bloodshed of their enemies.”
Thorn laughs. “All the gods, that’s hilarious. I’m familiar with that show. Such sweet revenge was had by all.”
All the gods? What a strange saying.
Michel nods. “Yes. Kill them with kindness, as the saying goes.”
“That’s one way to do it,” Thorn says, a wicked grin on his full lips.
I can tell, even with masks on, that the three men are unusually attractive. They don’t have Michel’s appeal for me, likely because we have a much stronger connection than merely physical, but yeah, they’re hot.