Page 58 of Unmasked
“Tell us, Michel,” Thorn says, “are the men in your town open to carnal pleasures with other men?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know. I’ve never tried, but I imagine with the proper persuasion anyone could be seduced.”
“I like your style, Michel.” Thorn salutes him and breaks from the group, disappearing into the crowd.
Yves shakes his head. “He’s insatiable.”
“And hedonistic,” Syn adds. “He’ll try anything once.”
“It’s good to have an adventurous spirit,” Michel says. “To ward off boredom.”
Yves laughs. “Yes, and he keeps us young just trying to make sense of his escapades.”
Michel laughs. “Well, as I said, I’m very happy to host you tonight. Please indulge in everything we have to offer.” Then he pulls my arm so I’m close to him. “Except this one.”
Syn glances at me, a sexy smirk on his lips. “I scented him the minute he approached. He is obviously not available. Thorn just has trouble with boundaries.”
Scented him?
“But don’t worry,” Yves says. “He’s not reckless enough to make an enemy of you.”
They both bow their heads slightly before moving into the crowd as well. There must be a hundred or more people here, making it difficult to spot the various Michels running around. So clever.
“Um, Michel? What did Syn mean when he said he scented me?”
Michel shrugs. “No idea. They’re a quirky group. Are you having fun so far?”
“I am. I love people-watching.”
“Yes, it’s very interesting.”
A woman pushes through the group, smiling when she sees me and Michel.
“Hi. Chrissy Landon.”
“Oh, hello,” Michel says warmly, gripping her hands. “I’m so glad you made it.”
“Thank you for inviting me,” she gushes. “This is incredible.”
“Thank you.”
“I was just curious,” she says. “Whydidyou invite me?”
“I have a long memory, Chrissy,” Michel says. “I remember your kindness towards me and how you would try to get Garrett to leave me alone. I remember every single person who was kind to me.”
She nods, but frowns. “I feel bad though. I wanted to do more. I even told our parents about how mean Garrett was to you and others. They tried, but…” She shrugs. “He’s just defective somehow. I don’t even see him if I can help it. He’s even worse than he was.”
“I’m aware,” Michel says. “Has he said anything to you about his businesses?”
She shakes her head. “Not much. We’re not exactly close, but when he found out I was coming here tonight, he called me a traitor and told me I’d be sorry for choosing you over family. I explained it wasn’t a contest and he said it was a war he would eventually win.”
Michel smiles, unaffected. “He’s wrong. You’re not a traitor. You’re a good person. He’s right that it is a war, but sadly for him, he’s very mistaken on what the outcome will be. It’s not about me. It’s about Neubrook and the thousands of people living here.”
“True. Well for what it’s worth, I think he’d be just as difficult if it wasn’t you doing all this. It just stings a little more that it is you.”
The look of satisfaction on Michel’s face, even with a mask on, is so obvious I’d laugh if I wasn’t trying so hard to keep myself under control. Michel’s dark side seems to do something for me.
“He needs to be taken down a few pegs.” Chrissy grabs a glass of champagne from a passing server. “I’ll let you get back to the party. I’ve got a few girlfriends from high school to catch up with.”