Page 6 of Unmasked
“In a small town like this, I’m sure my presence will cause a bit of curiosity. You can let people know that Michel Louis Toussaint is back in town.”
* * *
After leaving the bank, I head to the administration building to meet with the new mayor, Maren George. I already know she isn’t from Neubrook, and generally has good approval ratings, but I’m curious as to why more progress hasn’t been made since she came into office over a year ago.
When I pull into the parking space right up front, I notice two men dressed in grungy jeans and faded flannel shirts leaving in what appears to be a huff. Stepping out of my car, I listen in to their conversation even as they walk farther away from me.
The gray-haired man speaks to the younger one in a gruff tone. “Think she’ll do anything about it this time?”
“What’s she gonna do, pop? Break their kneecaps?”
“Wish she could. I heard they got some tough guys over in New Onyx. Maybe they’d do something about Garrett and his friends.”
“Hire a hitman, pop? We ain’t those kind of people.”
The older man rubs his forehead. “Something needs to be done.”
Garrett again. I enter the building, walking through the empty halls, my loafers clacking on the tiled floors. I recall coming here for a field trip once as part of learning more about city government. It was an excruciatingly boring day.
I find the mayor’s office and enter, pausing in front of the desk where a young woman is typing rapidly on a computer keyboard. She glances up, then does a double take as her fingers misfire across the keys.
“Oh. Hello?” She brushes her brown hair down with her hands. “May I help you?”
“I have a meeting with Mayor George. Michel Toussaint.”
Her cheeks turn bright red as she nods. “Yes, Mr. Toussaint. She’s expecting you. You can go in.” The woman points to the closed door on her left.
“Thank you.” I glance at the name tag. “Brittany.”
She smiles, still flushed.
I should be used to women fawning over me at this point. It’s been happening since my transformation, but after spending the majority of my life practically invisible, it still catches me off guard sometimes.
I knock on the door and open it at the same time, peering inside to find the mayor sitting at her desk, staring at a computer screen with a frown on her face. She’s an attractive woman, likely in her forties, with thick black hair, naturally tan skin, and pretty features. In her navy-blue dress, she looks exactly how I’d picture an influential and powerful woman.
“Mayor George?”
She glances up as though she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone, then upon seeing me, sits upright in her chair. “Hello. Are you Mr. Toussaint?”
“I am. Is now still a good time?”
“Yes, of course. Please sit.”
I take my place across from her, giving her a moment to straighten folders on her desk before I speak.
“What can I help you with?” she asks.
“I have a proposition for you, Mayor George.”
“Please, call me Maren.” She smiles. “What sort of proposition?”
“I used to live here in Neubrook, and my parents still do. It saddens me to see the state it’s in.”
Maren nods, folding her hands on the desk. “As it does many of our residents, including me. In fact, I ran for office simply to get it back to where it was before the previous mayor did his damage.”
“But you haven’t been able to. Why is that?”