Page 7 of Unmasked
Maren narrows her eyes.
“No disrespect, Maren. I’m truly interested in the obstacles you’re facing.”
After a moment, she nods. “Are you familiar with Garrett Landon?”
“I am, yes.”
“Well, I’m not exactly sure if he’s just completely inept or if he actually wants to ruin Neubrook, but everything he touches turns to shit. Excuse my bluntness.”
“I appreciate bluntness. Tell me more.”
Maren spends the next thirty minutes telling me all about Garrett’s mishaps, from failed business deals to being extremely difficult to work with to causing other business owners problems.
“It’s gotten so bad, a lot of people have sold their houses and businesses and moved to Clearbrook or New Onyx. It breaks my heart. I think Neubrook could be amazing if I could just get him out of my way.”
“He has allies?”
She nods, frowning. “Plenty of them. I hate to say it, but he’s got enough charisma to lure people to him and deflect his mistakes as the fault of others who didn’t have a vision for our community. I only won by a small margin. He and his friends fight me at every town hall meeting.”
“I see.” Crossing one leg over the other, I lean back in my seat. “What if I told you that I shared your vision of a Neubrook revival? I think it’s time Garrett’s reign of terror ends.”
Maren perks up. “I’m listening.”
“As I mentioned, I used to live here, and Garrett was no better then than he is now. I’m prepared to put my money where my mouth is, if you have people to run and turn things around. Project managers, developers, business owners, marketing gurus. You build the infrastructure and I’ll fund it.”
Her eyes go wide. “What’s in it for you?”
“So glad you asked. I want to be the head of city planning. All decisions have to be approved by me. That way, it gets you out of the line of fire and puts Garret directly in the path of mine.”
“That’s not a position we currently have.”
“Perfect. Then you create it. I require no salary. Only approval power. Give the city to me for a year, and I promise it will be exactly as you dreamed. I can assure you, your position will not be challenged. You’ll be the mayor who brought Neubrook back to life.”
“This sounds great, but I still don’t see how you benefit. I feel like there’s a catch.”
I shake my head. “No catch. I don’t need the money. I do need the wellbeing of my parents and other good people still holding on. I need rising property values and young people staying or moving here.” I lean closer to her. “But mostly, I need to see Garrett Landon fail. You can help me do that.”
A slow smile spreads across Maren’s lips. “You hate him.”
“With the fire of a thousand hells. Not only will he pay for what he did years ago, he’ll be accountable for the havoc he continues to cause. Do you know how you stop a bully, Maren?”
“You fight back. Are you with me?”
After a brief pause, she extends her hand for me to shake. “I’m with you.”
Back in my car with plans for a press conference to announce our partnership, I make the drive across town to see my parents. They know I’m back in town, but they haven’t seen the new me yet.
A rare wave of nerves flutters in my stomach. Will they notice the changes beneath the surface? I want to see them so badly, but part of me is terrified they’ll see beyond my explanations of gym time and beauty treatments, and know I made a deal with the devil.
Giving up my mortal soul for power, money, and looks was the best decision I ever made. I just have to hold on to that feeling, and convince my parents I’m still the same kid I always was underneath. I still likeDoctor Whoand Sci-fi movies. I still geek out at Comicon. I still read books like I need them to breathe. Underneath my supermodel exterior, the chubby kid with acne is still there. That’s the part of me the vampire couldn’t erase.
With a deep breath, I smile and settle back in my seat. My plan is in place. Soon enough, I’ll rid this town of its human trash, and I’ll make Garrett Landon’s life a living hell for every second of it, until I’m ready to put him out of his misery for good.
After all, turnabout is fair play.