Page 61 of Unmasked
Dale claws at my shoulders, groaning and kicking his legs to get free, but fairly quickly he begins to weaken, slumping against the wall, watching me with glazed eyes as I drain the blood from his body.
Once the final breath leaves him, I wipe my mouth, then lift his body and throw him over my shoulder before leaping from the balcony and landing easily several stories below in the grass. I slip unseen through the woods until I arrive at the deeper part of the lake, tossing the body into it. I planned ahead and set several tequila bottles on the shore. It will simply look like he stumbled into the water after drinking too much from the ball and met his fate. By the time his body is found, he’ll be bloated and picked apart by the wildlife, obscuring the lack of blood in his body. Of course, I left just enough to avoid suspicion.
In mere minutes, I’m back inside the ball, rinsing my mouth in the bathroom and ensuring there’s nothing off about my appearance.
Satisfaction settles over me. One more bully down. At the same time, a large feeding like that should help keep my bloodlust at bay, keeping Eli safe until I can figure out how to tell him what I’ve become.
As I enter the main room again, I find Eli chatting with some people from around town that I don’t hate. He glances in my direction, as if he feels my presence, and his face lights up. Fuck, I want that man in my bed, but it still feels wrong that I’m hiding such an important piece of myself from him.
Maybe a blow job wouldn’t be so wrong though. Gods, I want to taste him on my tongue, hear my name on his lips, gaze into his sultry eyes. I’ve got to figure something out, and soon, before I lose my chance with the only man I’ve ever wanted.
Crossing the room, I’m stopped several times by people wanting to bask in my light for a few seconds, profusely thanking me for the invite. One of the best skills that came with my vampirism is the ability to detect when people are lying or embellishing, and I’m happy to say that the majority of people here tonight are truly grateful to be part of my circle. A few are neutral towards me, people who didn’t know me back in high school, and neutral is fine with me.
When I reach Eli, it takes all my strength not to slide my arm around his waist. Not because of concerns about people thinking we’re a couple—that would only make me proud—but to keep up the charade of my identity a bit longer.
Eli smiles, but there’s a glint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Would you like another drink, Eli?” I ask.
“Yeah. I’ll go with you.”
We excuse ourselves from the group and head towards one of the bars.
“Is something wrong?” I ask.
“No.” He shakes his head, pausing and turning to face me. “It’s just something weird that happened.”
I feel myself tense. “What?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not sure how to explain it, but it was like…” Eli glances around before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to a quieter corner. “It was like I could sense you. I felt this shift.”
“It was a wave of…” He lifts his hands, holding them in front of him and making vague shapes. “Like anger and pity and sadness.”
I can’t even speak.
“And then it was all washed away by satisfaction, and euphoria almost. Those are the best words I can think of to describe it. I didn’t know where it was all coming from. I searched the room for you and I found each of your fakes, but not you. Then you came back and it was so clear. It was you I felt.”
I am stunned speechless.
“Michel, what happened? Why…? I mean, how?”
“I have no idea,” I whisper. “I know our connection is strong. It always has been. But… you felt my emotions?”
He shrugs. “I think so. Were you feeling those things?”
“Yes. I had a… confrontation with someone from school. It ended well though.”
“Oh. Who was it?”
“Dale Winston.”
“That fucker. I’m surprised you invited him.”
“I must have overlooked his name on the invite list. Other than a few specific people, it’s random.”
“Oh, right. Did he leave?”