Page 62 of Unmasked
“He did. He tried to apologize, but he didn’t mean it.”
“That dude is a loser.”
“Yes. Should we go enjoy the remainder of the ball? It’s over in an hour.”
I lift his hand and kiss the back of it. “I am so happy you’re here with me.”
Eli’s face lights up. “Me too.”
The next hour passes painfully slowly as my mind swirls with thoughts of Eli in my bed soon. He felt my emotions when I was with Dale, which is both wondrous and frightening. If we’re that connected, it’s only a matter of time before he catches on that something isn’t right with me.
Scanning the room, I find him chatting with a group of store owners, all residents who took advantage of my small business program and opened shops on Main Street. Unable to take my eyes off him, I lean against a column, sipping my champagne until my reverie is interrupted by the Orpheus vampires.
Yves puts his hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for tonight. It was very entertaining.”
“I’m so glad.”
Thorn grins at me. “Sorry for earlier. I was just being playful, and I didn’t mean to offend.”
“Quite alright. I’m not used to being so possessive.”
Syn smirks. “You should get used to it. Comes with the territory.”
“Good to know. Speaking of… Eli felt my emotions earlier when I was far from him. Is that normal?”
“Normal, no,” Yves answers. “It only happens in extremely bonded relationships, romantic or otherwise. For example, I can tune in to my brothers at will, and they can with me, but it’s more effort for someone I’m less connected to.”
“Okay. So it’s because we’re connected.”
“It’s because he’s in love with you,” Thorn says, not mincing his words. Yves smacks his chest. “He’s done for, man.”
My stomach flips as my heart races wildly. “In love with me?”
Yves sighs, shooting Thorn a look. “You should hear it from him, but yes, love is the sort of bond that creates a connection like that. I assume you have not fed from him yet?”
“No. He doesn’t know what I am.”
The three men exchange looks before Yves continues. “Once you do, that bond intensifies. You’ll be hyperaware of him at all times, even if separated by thousands of miles. He’ll be in tune with you as well, just less intensely.”
“I see.”
“So you should definitely tell him,” Syn says.
“I planned to. I’m just not sure the best way. Do I sit him down? Do I blurt it out? Do I show myself to him?”
Thorn puts his hand on my arm. “Do what feels right. Don’t overthink it, my man.”
Yves nods. “In a rare voice of reason moment from Thorn, I agree. Just go with it. He already loves you. He’ll understand.”
“Will he? He’s my dream man. I’m so scared he’s going to run for the hills.”
“If he’s your dream man, why would he run?” Syn asks with a gentle smile. “Believe in your connection. You’d be surprised how resilient mortals are. Remember, we were once enlightened to the existence of the supernatural too, and we did just fine.”
“Good point. Thanks, guys. It’s so cool to have people like me to talk to.”
“Our door is always open,” Yves says. “Good luck tonight.”