Page 34 of Wings of Deception
Like a guardian, I’ll stand at her side as she makes this world a better place. And while she’s protecting the underdogs, I will guard her back with everything I’ve got.
Cloudspainttheskya dingy gray, blocking out the light of the sun and setting the campus in a dreary mood. It’s hard to believe how much the weather can affect your mental state, but after two days of gray skies, everyone on this damn campus is irritable. Well, everyone except for Hayliel.
I half expect her heart is made of pure sunshine, because even when she’s having a bad day, she never snaps or causes a scene. At least, not without reason.
And she’s had more than enough reasons lately.
It’s been over a week since she and I kissed at the beach. A week of not-so-accidental touches and more sexual tension than anyone should bear in a lifetime, which has undoubtedly led to a week of jerking off while thinking about the feel of her coming apart in my arms.
We haven’t been alone since, though not for lack of trying. Class workloads have picked up and become more intense, no doubt the product of our professors wanting to get us ready for midterms and important projects. Between studying, helping Hayliel avoid her tormentors, and keeping an eye on Theo after the now-regular demon attacks, I’ve barely had a moment to think, let alone figure out how to take the next step with Hayliel. If that’s even what she wants.
Archangels know it’s what I want, and from the heated glances she sends my way, I think it might be how she feels too. But sometimes I think she looks at Theo the same way, and I wonder if maybe it’s all in my head.
Clearly, I’m a mess.
Taking another look in the mirror, I drop my towel and pull on a pair of dark jeans. After another Angelic Powers class with Hayliel where the professor has us moving small objects telekinetically while holding a telepathic conversation, I had to rush back here to find some form of release from the torturous need that always accompanies me when she’s around. It’s been more of a challenge than I’d care to admit. But how am I to focus on moving random items while I telepathically explain to Hayliel — in great detail, I might add — all the things I plan on doing to her when we’re alone? It’s madness.
I grab an SCU branded T-shirt from my wardrobe and put it on, wanting to hurry so I can meet Hayliel. She’d messaged Theo and me in the group chat and said she’d be studying over by the flowers near the arena. Maybe if I’m fast enough, I can steal a few precious moments alone with her.
After I throw a light styling gel into my hair, I grab my slate and notice two missed calls from my parents. Shit. Knowing my mom, she isn’t going to give up until I answer, and the longer I go without picking up, the more incensed she’ll be.
I call her back, my stomach dropping like it always does when I talk to her.
“Raphael, finally. You know how much I hate when you ignore my calls.” Her sharp voice grates on my eardrums, reminding me how grateful I am to be away from home.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, Mother. Things are just busy with school.”
“Well, yes, dear. I do know that, but Raduriel never missed a call when he attended.”
“Of course he didn’t, my brother would never dare. Was there a reason for this call, or was it simply a test to see if I’d answer?”
“Don’t be so dramatic. And does your mother really need a reason to call? I swear, Raphael. You’ve always been so difficult, even as a child. I was only calling to check in and see how things were going. Are you enjoying your classes?”
I take a deep, steadying breath and do my best to let go of the defensiveness that always rises to the surface whenever I talk to my parents. That I’m not completely fucked up after years of dodging subtle — and not so subtle — insults truly baffles me. “Classes are great. Most of them are pretty interesting.”
“Oh, good. I was worried with your grades not being as high as Raduriel’s were that you’d find them too advanced. He did say you can call him if you’d like a tutor. You know he’d be more than happy to help you work through the tough material.” Her voice dips in the way it usually does when she compares me to my brother, like I’m a great fool that constantly fails. I guess in her eyes, I always do.
“I appreciate the offer”—No I don’t—“but I’m managing just fine. I’m late for a study session with my friends, actually, so if there’s nothing else?”
“Yes, yes, of course. It’s nice to see you so focused on schoolwork for a change, Raphael. Chat soon!”
I don’t bother saying goodbye, or anything else, for that matter. I learned a long time ago that my parents’ love comes with strings attached, and eventually I stopped caring. Or, at least, I stopped letting them see I did.
With my bag in hand, I run and jump from my window, falling closer to the ground than I should before snapping my wings open. I’m just so damnfrustrated.I always feel this way after talking to my mom. Or my brother. My dad too sometimes, but at least I can tolerate him in small doses.
I don’t fly very far before I spot Hayliel, looking as gorgeous as ever. Then I realize she isn’t alone. She’s surrounded by three girls, her things tossed around on the ground at her feet.What the fuck?
I don’t hesitate. With a flap of my wings, I put on a burst of speed before tucking them in and diving to her rescue.
Except I’m too late.
One girl — the leader, I think — shoves Hayliel to the ground. Blood pounds in my ears, my heartbeat thrumming wildly as I land beside the group.
“What the fuck is going on here?” I demand, glaring at the three girls. Immediately, I recognize the leader as Seraphina, the angel who approached me in the cafeteria on the day I met Hayliel. Looks like I made a good choice in avoiding that bitch.
“Nothing that isn’t deserved. Just putting the demon-spawn where she belongs. On the ground at our feet.” Seraphina smiles like she expects an award for her cruelty. She reaches for me, but I pull my arm away before she can sink her claws in.