Page 35 of Wings of Deception
I narrow my eyes, red forming at the edges of my vision. “If you ask me, the onlyspawnI see here is you three. Hayliel is better than you’ll ever be.”
“You can’t be—”
“If I ever catch you attacking her again, I promise … you won’t like the consequences. Now get the fuck out of here before I do something you’ll regret.”
The trio of assholes leaves, but not before shooting Hayliel one last glare like this isherfault. My chest heaves with the strength it takes not to throttle them, to bury them in the fucking ground for what they’ve done to my sunshine.
Is it always this bad when Theo and I aren’t around? She hasn’t mentioned anyone getting physical before.
Shoving those thoughts away, I turn and extend a hand to Hayliel, helping her up from the ground. She’s covered in fallen flower petals and dirt, and we both tap away at her clothes to remove it as best we can.
“Are you alright, sunshine?”
“I … it could have been worse. Honestly, you saved me from smacking them around a bit. Then I really would have been the savage demon-spawn.” She smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thank you for what you said. No one but Dina has ever stood up for me like that before.”
I only stare at her, taking in her features. She’s almost a foot shorter than me, and as we stand so close, I realize how much I love that she has to tilt her head back to look into my eyes.
I pull another pink flower petal from her hair and cup her cheek as it falls to the ground. “I will never not stand up for you.”
Her eyes, locked on mine, flash with heat. I don’t think about it, just dip my head and claim her lips. She parts her mouth almost instinctively, like she knows what I want and is more than happy to give it to me. Then she kisses me back, thrusting her tongue against mine until it feels as if I might faint. My cock hardens uncomfortably in my jeans, but I don’t care. Not when she’s pulling at me as if she can’t get enough.
I hoist her up into my arms and she throws her legs around my waist, grinding against my erection. Molten heat spreads through me, making me dizzy. I don’t fucking care who sees us. The only thing I care about is the need to be inside her, and I’ll fuck her right here if I have to.
A loud buzz crackles around us, but I barely hear it. Hayliel consumes my every thought and movement, matching my passion and fueling the fiery need inside me.
“Attention, students. Please make your way to the arena for a mandatory assembly. Failure to attend may cause immediate expulsion.”
The principal’s words repeat, echoing from the campus buildings.
Reluctantly, I pull back from Hayliel and press my forehead to hers until our breathing settles. Cock-blocked by a fucking assembly.
Desire pools in her blue eyes, half tempting me to get on my knees right now and find out if I can make her come before the assembly even starts, but I won’t risk her scholarship. We’ll have plenty of time later to finish what we started.
She places a light kiss on my lips before shimmying down my body to land on her feet. I groan as she slides over my still-hard cock, which only causes her grin to widen further.
“You’ll pay for that,” I growl, my words heavy with promise. “But first, let’s get this over with.”
Raphaelhelpsmepickup the things Seraphina and her little followers tossed around, all the while throwing me heated glances that have my core fluttering with want. Fuck. What I wouldn’t give to miss this assembly and spend it with him.
I mean, hell, I should probably thank Seraphina for shoving me since it led to something so passionate, right? I laugh to myself, silently shaking my head. Nah. I don’t need to thank that bitch for anything.
Once I’ve stashed everything back in my bag, Raphael grabs my hand and leads me toward the arena. The area is abuzz with gossip and rumors about what this assembly could be, and I hear more than a few students mention me. A public expulsion. I’m not sure I could handle that.
Raphael must hear it too because he gives my hand a squeeze and doesn’t let go, even once the crowds disperse. I spot Theo’s mess of curly brown hair on the opposite side of the arena where he sits in an empty row near the end of the bleachers. We head toward that spot, and Raphael finally lets go of my hand to sit on the opposite side of Theo while I take the empty seat at the end.
Their scents mix together until the need to sink my teeth into a chocolate orange has me forgetting where I am.Now is so not the time, girl.
It’s not long before the arena is full of chattering students, all wanting to know why they’ve called us here. I receive more than enough stares, spiking my anxiety as I worry that maybe this will be my broadcasted dismissal.
Those thoughts fade away as the principal walks in, followed by several Assassins’ Guild members. I quickly recognize one of them is Zeke, wearing the same outfit he wore when we first met, but the others aren’t familiar.
The tallest one, a man with thick, chestnut-brown hair, wears a slightly different uniform, making me think he must be an older, more high-ranking member of the Guild. His feathers glint in the late afternoon sun, and that’s when I notice the metal tips lining his wings.
My eyes trail back to Zeke, standing perfectly still. He’s not looking anywhere in particular, just doing his duty like the others. It’s no wonder I’ve been struggling to tackle him in combat class. His uniform accentuates the broad chest and expansive muscles beneath, reminding me of the powerful way he moves his body.
As if magnetized by my stare, Zeke’s eyes fall directly on me. His stoic expression turns sour, and as he shifts his gaze to the angels sitting at my side, his frown deepens.